King's Business - 1916-09



lambs, and the way to show that' we really do love Him is by feeding His lambs. The lambs are the young o f the flock, and a minister’s first duty and a Christian’s first duty is to feed them. The Word o f God is the food to give them. What wondrous forgiveness and compassion on Jesus’ part to set Peter at this glorious work. But while Jesus accepted Peter’s profession of love, he asks the same question a second time, b.ut leaving out the “more than these," and gets the same reply. Now he gives another commission, “ Shepherd my sheep.” (The word which the Authorized Version translates “ feed” in v. 16 is not the same word so translated in v. IS. It means more than “ feed” and it also mèans more than “tend” as it is translated in the Revised Version. It means to “shepherd.” Love to the Lord Jesus is the condition o f shep­ herding His sheep. And now Jesus asks the question the third time, “ Simon, son of John, lovest thou me?” This time in ask­ ing the Question Jesus alters the word for love and uses the same word for love that Peter has used for love both times in answering His question, the weaker but mote tender word. The thrice asked ques­ tion is such a manifest though gentle ref­ erence to the threefold denial o f Peter that Peter is grieved at the suggestion o f a doubt by the Saviour, o f that love, and he bursts out with all his soûl, “Lord, thou knowest all things ; thou knOwest that I love thee.” Jesus is satisfied and says to Him “ Feed my sheep.” The word for feed used in this verse is the same as used, in verse IS where he was commissioned to feed the lambs,' not the same as translated “ feed” in verse 16 o f the Authorized Ver­ sion, but really meaning “ shepherd.” John’s report o f the conversation is very accurate, being careful to note the changes o f words used by our Lord and Peter for “ love” and for “ feed.” No one making up a story of a conversation that never occurred would for a moment dream o f introducing these shades o f meaning. The story bears the marks of its exact truthfulness in every line and in every word. How marvellous

was the condescension o f our Lord on this occasion, that gave the one who denied Him thrice a three-fold opportunity for reaffirmation o f his love. How like our Lord .it was. Who would ever have dreamed, o f making it up if it had not actually occurred? In Peter’s answer there is another ascription o f Deity to Jesus, “Thou knowest all things.” He does indeed. Thursday, September 21 . i John 21 : 18 , ig. Now comes a prophecy o f Peter’s cruci­ fixion. Having reaffirmed his love, our Lord tells Peter- that he will again have the opportunity o f proving that he is ready to die for Christ, and that this time he will not fail. This might seem like painful information to Peter, but under the cir­ cumstances it must have been highly grati­ fying. As by his denial on the former occasion he had dishonored his Lord,, he would now have opportunity by his death to “glorify God.” Then comes the final and best commission o f all, “ Follow me.” The following was to be a very literal one in Peter’s base, right to the cross (cf. Matt. 16:24; 2 Tim. 3:12). Peter rjever forgot this conversation (1 Pet. 5 :2-4; 2 Pet. 1:14). Friday, September 22 . John 21 : 20 - 25 . Peter in literal obedience to the Lord, followed Him down the beach. A good deal o f the old Peter remained still and he turned about to see if the other disci­ ples appreciated the honor the Lord had bestowed upon him in inviting him to fol­ low him. A s he looks back he)sees John, who had not been included in the invita­ tion, coming down the beach too, and Peter is curious to know that if he is to die what is to happen to John, and he asks, “And what shall this man do?” To put Peter’s question more exactly, “Lord, but this One what?” The question is very terse and exclamatory, with a strong emphasis upon the “ this one.” Jesus gives hifn a characteristic answer, “ If I will that he tarry until I come, what is that to thee?

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