King's Business - 1916-09



A New Correspondence Course

B y the Facu lty o f the BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES 1. Fundamental Doctrines DR. R. A. TORREY 2. The Life and Teachings of Our Lord DR. R. A. TORREY 3. Through the Bible by Books and Chapters JOHN H. HUNTER 4. Personal and Practical Evangelismr T. C. HORTON

Other Courses in Preparation TERMS: For Numbers 1, 2 and 3—$5.00 each. For Number 4—$3.00


FLOYD JOHN EVANS, B.D., UN ION EVANGEL IST Member Interdenominational Ass’n. of Evangelists Last Campaign, Michigan 400 Conversions; Kansas 300.

JUS T OU T— No. 6— JU S T OU T

Object Lessons of Scripture Companion to No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 Get one. Get all. 12 Object Lessons in each pamphlet. Price 15c each. Order by Number. Address

REV. CHAS. EICKENBERG Write for Coast Dates, at 1 409 East Eighth Street, N T O W Long Beach, Calif. ^ ^ ** F i r s t A i d to S t u d e n t s Many Students of our Training School for Christian Workers are striving to pay their expenses by Securing Subscribers to this Magazine In their behalf we ask the aid of All Their Friends and Ours Chicago, Illinois

4 0 2 7 N. Herm itage A ve.

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