King's Business - 1916-09

By Rev. Campbell Coyle, D. D. Pastor of the Highland Park First Presbyterian Church

T! i following address was delivered by Dr. Coyle on Thursday, June 29. 1916, before the graduating class of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, from the text: re shall receive power, after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you.”—Acts 1:8.

HE disciples were about to enter upon a campaign j against the entrenched forces Mr" o f sin and wickedness, and they needed power. They

they were endued with power from on high. What this power might be, they had no clear conception, but they recalled a prom­ ise that their leader had made to them on the Mount o f Ascension just before, as the Great High Priest, He entered into the holy o f holies, there to remain until the long day o f atonement ends, when He will come forth again to His waiting people. Which promise is found in these w ords: “ Thus it is written, and thus it behooved Christ to suffer, and to rise from the dead on the third day; and that repentance and remission o f sins should be preached in His name among äll nations, beginning at Jeru­ salem. And ye are witnesses o f these things. And, behold, I send the promise o f My Father upon you; but tarry ye in the

were already well equipped with some­ things. _They had zeal and knowledge and faith, and a leader who was incomparable, but they lacked a certain kind o f power, without which their best efforts would be as vain as the dashing o f the waves against Gibraltar. Hence their leader bade them tarry in the Holy City until this power should .come upon them. However impa­ tient they might be to begin the conflict, and however well equipped they might imag­ ine themselves to be, they were not to act on their own initiative, and run ahead of God, but were to tarry in Jerusalem until

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