King's Business - 1916-09


THE KING’ S BUSINESS 861 Special Sale of Good Books Books dealing with our present times and with events which will occur before the personal return of our Lord in glory are named below. Former Special * Price Price $2 .50 $1.97 The Antichrist Former .Special Price Price $ .25 $ .19 The Greatest Tragedy in History

By E. H. Moggridge. A timely production concern­ ing the last great autocrat o f the earth. In the form o f allegory, the writer describes the re­ ligious errors o f the present day and also the things which true Christians are looking for and longing for. By J. R. Caldwell. Same as above, bound in paper. .39 The City of Progress and Signs of the Times .15 Things to Come .57 When the Saints Are Gone By Constancia Serjeant. A life-like story ending with the rapture."

By J. L. Wood. A mes­ sage to the nation. How to end the war. The King is com ing! But the Lord May Come for His Loved and His Own at Any Moment By Alfred Page. By J. R. Caldwell. A short outline of' some o f the great events o f prophecy. By A. C. Gaebelein. Pres­ ent day events are here traced in the light o f divine revelation.



.15 Armageddon— Not Yet;


.39 Things to Come



.79 Current Events in the Light of the Bible


Two very good small books dealing with the future state. •25 .19 Where Are Our Dead .25 .19 The Breaking Day Friends? -

By William Middleton. Based o n : “When the day was now breaking, Jesus stood on the beach.” of Christianity, with which

By Henry Sulley. A brief summary o f the teachings o f Scripture as to the inter­ mediate state. Two excellent books on the evidences

every Christian should be familiar. 1.80 1.47 Gleig’s Wonderful Book Concerning the Most Won­ derful Book in. the World By George Robert Gleig. A charmingly interesting book creating an atmos­ phere in which doubt and unbelief cannot live.


.79 Fallacies and Vagaries of Misinterpretation

By Charles Walker Ray. What seems needful to con­ vince unprejudiced readers o f the right interpretation o f Scripture is here pre­ sented.

If any of your friends are being misled by the false teachings of the present day," you will find the following books useful in showing them their mistake. .75 .57 The Eddyite By George W . Louttit. A Christian Science story dealing chiefly with “malici­ ous animal magnetism.” .75 .57 The Gilded Lie By Sydney Watson. A story which shows the falsity o f the teachings o f Millennial-Dawnism.

THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles

536-558 South Hope Street

Los Angeles, California

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