King's Business - 1932-04


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

April 1932

FAMILY CIRCLE . . . B y C u t l e r B. W h it w e l l

Mar Vista Community Church, Mar Vista, Calif. Clyde H. Dirks, ’27, evangelist and pas­ tor o f the Mennonite Church, Langdon, N. Dak., sends word that God is blessing in the salvation of souls. Ernest W . Ralston, ’30, Scio, Ore., has two congregations of fine country people who are rich in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, although they have not much o f this world’s goods. He maintains a small farm to help meet expenses. W edding V eil Taken by Bandits Eugene A. Crapuchettes, ’28, P. G. ’29, and Winnifred Kopp, ’28, were recently married in China. Both are missionaries o f the China Inland Mission. The follow ­ ing bit of news' has been received indirect­ ly. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Crapuch­ ettes studied Chinese cooking in another town. Returning to the mission station, she and her party o f Chinese helpers were met by bandits who helped themselves to her possessions, including a wrist watch, a pair o f glasses, and her wedding veil. The latter was especially prized, as it had been sent to her from loved ones for the important forthcoming occasion. Fortu­ nately, she had another pair of glasses and another watch. The bandits also took a part o f the conveyance in which she had been riding, making it necessary for her to walk the remainder of the way to the station. Meet Miss Harrison Marjorie Estelle Harrison, daughter o f Rev. and Mrs. Everett F. Harrison, Biola representatives connected with the work of the Hunan Bible Institute, arrived on De-

Semi-Annual Reunion . . . B y A nnabel L ee C rumly , ’30, E. S. O n F ebruary - 19, there gathered in Biola’s attractive main dining room a happy group of over 200 people, consisting o f alumni, faculty, and friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The occasion was the semi-annual alumni rally. Nearly every class was represented by at least one member, and there was much cheerful talk and laughter as old-time friends greeted each other. Early in the evening, it was recognized that much o f the success o f the meeting was due to the untiring efforts o f Miss Helen White, ’20, secretary o f the Alumni Association. At the close of the meal, the group ad­ journed to the Fishermen’s Club Room, and there enjoyed a period o f prayer and praise, interspersed with testimonies. Mr. Jack Wells, President of the Alumni A s­ sociation and choirmaster and director o f young people’s work at the First Baptist Church of San Diego, presided with grace and poise. The first speaker was Dr. W . P. White, beloved President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. In his own inimitable way, he extended a hearty welcome to those present, expressed his appreciation o f their unfailing loyalty to their alma mater, urged them to be unceasing in their prayers for the Institute, and reminded them o f the increasing tides of modernism and unbe­ lief which, ever rising higher, threaten the very bulwarks of Christianity and make more imperative than ever the continuance o f such institutions as Biola, founded on the fundamental truths of the Christian faith. Then, one by one, members o f the Alum­ ni Association spoke. Graduates who had seen service in Venezuela, Egypt, Central America, China, and other mission fields gave inspiring accounts o f the wonderful way in which God had preserved their lives and supplied their needs. Among those present were also recent graduates who are planning to leave shortly for for­ eign fields. From time to time during the evening, the program was enlivened with music, congregational singing as well as special numbers. One o f the greatest treats o f the program was furnished by the quartet composed o f Jack Wells, ’30, Harold Am- stutz, ’29, David Quiring, ’28, and Eugene Riddle, ’28. This group frequently accom­ panied Dr. White on his trips, and it was he who lovingly labelled it “The Presi­ dent’s Bodyguard.” Who will not remem­ ber : “I am with you, I am with you, Jesus whispers sweet and low ; In the sunshine, in the shadow, I am with you where you go” ? As' a fitting climax to this sacred and happy meeting, the company gathered about the Lord’s Table. Thus in holy fel­ lowship with their risen Lord, the ties that bind His followers with one another were perceptibly strengthened.

To the Greeks in Abyssinia Nicholas Simponis, ’31, was booked to sail on March 23, from Brooklyn, N. Y., for Abyssinia, where he will work under the auspices of the Sudan Interior Mis-


sion. It was while attending the mission^ ary rally last year at the Church o f the Open Door that the Lord spoke to him definitely through the ministry o f Dr. Thomas Lambie. Through him, Mr. Sim­ ponis learned that there was not a single gospel witness in the Greek community in Abyssinia. Willing and equipped with a knowledge of the Greek language, the way has marvelously and quickly opened for his departure to the field. W idely Varied Tasks Edith A. Giesbrecht, ’26, after complet­ ing her nurse’s training at Bethel Hospital, Newton, Kan., accepted a position as o f­ fice nurse at Aberdeen, Ida. Jacob C. Kobes, ’24, o f the Christian Reformed Board o f Missions, ,is at Toad- lena, N. M. He writes, “My present re­ sponsibility includes the religious work at a government boarding school o f 225 Navaho girls and boys and a government day school of thirty-two Navaho children. Field work with adult Indians is carried on when time and opportunities permit.” Mr. and Mrs. Abe F. Kroeker (Mary Neufeld), ’31 and ’30, sailed in February for Africa, via Antwerp, Belgium. Biola Graduates Find Pastorates Rev. Stanley T. Nicholls, ’23, P. G. ’24, is pastor o f St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Pictou, Nova Scotia. Rev. and Mrs. Ernest H. Brown (Elsie Hollinger), ’27 and ’28, have entered a new field o f work at Prineville, Ore., where Mr. Brown is pastor o f the Baptist church: Neil J. Barnes, T9, is pastor o f the First Baptist Church, Wenatchee, Wash. Willard W . Riggs, ’31, is pastor of the

MRS. HARRISON AND DAUGHTER cember 4, at Changsha, Hunan, China. A recent letter from Mr. Harrison encloses this snapshot o f mother and daughter. It is reproduced here for the benefit of the hundreds of friends who are interested in Hunan and who are acquainted with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, either directly or in­ directly.

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