King's Business - 1932-04


T h e K i n g ’ s B u s i n e s s

April 1932

gives to those who are to undertake a study of the Bible. It offers fruitful meth­ ods o f study, such as the synthetic method, the parallel method, the topical method, the typical method, and several others. 190 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth, Price $1.25. ________ Calvin and Calvinism B y B enjamin B. W arfield This is an exhaustive and scholarly study of Calvinism by a 'man who was by many counted the outstanding theologian o f his day. He builds his doctrinal con­ clusions on a careful study of Scripture, with numerous quotations. He also deals with various philosophies, masquerading as Christian truth, which empty the funda­ mental doctrines of Christianity o f their scriptural meaning. While these types of modernistic philosophy have become more bold since Dr. Warfield’s day, his exami­ nation o f their fallacies is still timely and useful. This volume will no doubt remain for a long time the best defense of Calvin­ ism that is available to scholars. O xford University Press. Cloth. Price. $4.00. BIBLE&BULLINGERISM A disrupting teaching con cisely answered in a nicely bound 25c booklet. Coin or 1c stam ps.— KEITH L. BROOKS. 2003 A ddison W ay, L os A ngeles, Calif. BELIEVE IT OR NOT A ny Scofield Reference, C am bridge, O xford, H olman Bible less one fifth list price. B ooks, M ottoes, Calendars 10 to 40% off. Printed Stationery, Letter H eads, Envelopes. All O ccasion Greeting and P ost Cards at a bar­ gain. Individual orders: C atalog and GOSPEL TRACTS FREE. A gents W anted. R estorer Press, K D ept., D eltaville, Va.

$ ) i ir cJ^iieraiure able WHAT TO PURCHASE AT B IOLA BOOK ROOM

The New Boy B y C aptain R. W allis

Service Book for Schools A nonymous

The book is an attractive, scriptural setting forth o f the New Birth, New Life, New Inheritance, New Power, New Armor, New Friend, New Calling, New Nature, New Joy, and New Hope—all these things that are the possession of the boy who is renewed in Christ. It assumes that the Christian boy has entered seri­ ously upon the Christian life, and it brings to him those strong scriptural assurances that will make him an intelligent Chris­ tian. 127 pages. Religious Tract Society, London. Paper. Price SO cents. The author points out the need o f a di­ vine revelation. He shows how Christ is the supreme revelation of God, the ful- filler o f prophecy, the divine ideal o f char­ acter, the solution o f the world’s problems. He indicates the limitations o f human speculation and the futility o f merely hu­ man agencies to bring to pass the supreme ideals. He does not venture into the do­ main o f eschatology. 175 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. Thinking with God B y N orman H. C amp This is a brief Bible course for young people. It is grouped under the following headings : The Bible, God, Creation, Man, Satan, Sin, Salvation, Temptations, Judg­ ments, Rewards. It follows well-beaten paths o f Scripture teaching, and deals in essentials o f Bible truth. 127 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Association, Chicago. Paper. Price 25 cents. Mexican True Stories B y G ene B urdette G andier The sisters Nella and Ethel True were young business women in Los Angeles, but they resigned their positions to become missionaries to Mexico. This book gives the account o f their heroic service and o f the fruit borne by their work. It is a telling testimony to the power of God to work through consecrated youth. 77 pages. God’s Bible School and Revivalist, Cincin­ nati. Paper. Price 35 cents. Difficulties of the Evolution Theory B y D ouglas D ewar Mr. Dewar is a man of science and the author o f twenty other technical books. He writes from the inside, and his book is published by a company that issues scores o f college texts. The author is frank to ac­ knowledge arguments which favor the de­ velopment theory, but he finds an arrest­ ing number o f difficulties that lie athwart the road to complete acceptance of this theory. His book is written for those who have some acquaintance with the problem, and who can understand the technical problems involved. There is abundance of scientific ammunition for those who op­ pose evolution. 192 pages. Edward A r­ nold & Co., London. Cloth. Price $5.00. The Climax of Revelation B y J ulian S cales S ibley

Each suggested service is made up o f se­ lections from the Scripture, the great hymns, and Episcopalian prayer books. The material is choice and time-tested. Where a ritualistic service is desired, this book would seem to satisfy the need. 194 pages. Macmillan Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. God’s Intention B y W . Y. F ullerton Underneath the four headings, God Be­ ginning, God Speaking, God Appearing, and God Perfecting, Dr. Fullerton unfolds the greatness o f creation, o f revelation, of incarnation, and o f sanctification, or the perfecting o f the believer. All this is pre­ sented upon a lofty plane, in a most ma­ jestic manner. 124 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.25. Seventy Other Best Bible Stories B y G eorge G oodman This volume follows another in which seventy Bible stories were presented. The plan o f the book is to cite the Scripture passages involved and then to bring out the significant points o f the stories them­ selves. The book is embellished by photo­ graphs o f Palestine taken by the author. 278 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.50. I . Soul Reveries B y C harles L. G oodell This is the third volume of radio ser­ mons by Dr. Goodell. They cover a wide range o f topics and are inspirational and challenging. To quote, “ The fruits o f the Spirit do not spring up o f themselves. They are not ours by nature, no matter how great our culture. Grace is an exotic. It must be brought from another shore, and it will flourish here only with the ut­ most care. It is this truth which is vital.” 180 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. The author o f this volume does not at­ tempt to adjust the Bible to science nor to accommodate science to the Bible. He de­ voutly -recognizes the supremacy o f the Word o f God and proves in a scholarly fashion its adequacy in a world o f scien­ tific research. He marshalls facts. He states a clear and conclusive case. His scholarship is not coldly intellectual, but warmly spiritual. The book treats not only o f geology and biology, but o f prayer and regeneration and inspiration, as things adequate for a day of scientific skepticism. 246 pages. Marshall, Morgan & Scott. Cloth. Price $3.00. How to Master the Bible B y M artin A nstey The author’s purpose is to impart a knowledge of the method, the power, and the joy o f Bible study. The book is valu­ able, not only for the information it im­ parts, but equally so for the inspiration it The Bible and Modern Research B y A. R endle S hort

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Correspondence S chool Bible Institute o f L. A ., 536 So. H ope St., L os A ngeles, Cal. Please send descriptive bulletin o f Bible courses b y m ail to: N am e........».*..... ......................................................... Address..................................... ............. .

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