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Counties council splits on 2017 budget

thought. I think it’s a mistake.” One of the planned revisions to the bud- get includes reducing the original $240,000 allocation for maintenance work on the Pres- cott-Russell Recreational Trail (PRRT) to $100,000 for next year. That change allowed counties council to boost the annual allocation for Prescott- Russell Community Services (SCPRCS) to $40,000 next year instead of the usual $30,000. The regional non-profit social ser- vice agency asked for an increase in support funds for 2017 because of recent increases in demands for its various services. The remaining $130,000 taken from the PRRT allocation for 2017 will go towards the UCPR public works budget to ensure particular road improvement projects, like

the one planned for County Road 23, go ahead as scheduled in 2017. UCPR staff have also made some other “nickle-and-dime” tweaks to the 2017 budget plan tomake sure priority items are covered while still keeping the tax rate increase at a two-percent limit as counties council directed. Charlebois explained that UCPR staff did “a wonderful job” on the 2017 budget proposal. Her opposition was to having any increase next year to the tax rate. “I wanted zero,” Charlebois said during a later interview. “I wanted it (budget tax rate) to be revenue-neutral.” Mayor Dicaire still expressed hope that the cut in funding for the PR Trail in the counties budget will prove a one-time si- tuation. He has stated that his township depends on the trail as part of its tourism sector operations and he plans to lobby next year to have full support restored for the 2018 budget. “We’re working to gather public support,” he said.


Two of the mayors on counties council voted against accepting next year’s pro- posed budget. Both Fernand Dicaire of Alfred-Plantagenet Township and Jeanne Charlebois of the Town of Hawkesbury went on record in their opposition during the Nov. 23 budget approval vote. “It’s consistent with the last (discussion) meeting,” said Mayor Dicaire during an in- terview, adding that he voiced opposition to the proposed 2017 budget earlier in the month during the committee of the whole session of the United Counties of Prescott- Russell council (UCPR). “I have to followmy Plusieurs organismes de Centraide de l’est de l’Ontario mettront leurs efforts en commun grâce à un processus de fusion actuellement en cour. Denis Vaillancourt, président de Cen- traide Prescott-Russell (CUWPR), a ren- contré les membres du conseil des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell (UCPR), lors de la réunion ordinaire du 23 novembre, pour expliquer comment le processus actuel de fusion entre CUWPR, les organismes d’Ot- tawa ainsi que ceux des comtés de Renfrew et de Lanark, sera profitable à long terme pour

Lemaire FernandDicaire a déclaré qu’il ne peut pas appuyer le budget de 2017 parce qu’il n’appuie pas le Sentier récréatif de Prescott-Russell. —photo d’archives

La fusion, une bonne chose pour Centraide appuyer les projets et programmes locaux qui aident les collectivités et les familles. « C ‘est une mesure très positive visant à maximiser les ressources dont nous dispo- sons pour nos collectivités », a expliqué M. Vaillancourt.

d’administration de CUWPR CUWPR continuera de travailler en par- tenariat avec les organismes locaux afin de déterminer quels sont les besoins les plus importants de Prescott-Russell. Le bureau de Hawkesbury de CUWPR demeurera le point de contact pour Prescott-Russell.

613 446-5188 814, St-Joseph Rockland, ON K4K 1L5

M. Vaillancourt a expliqué que toutes les collectes de fonds effectuées par CUWPR, au cours de sa campagne annuelle. continuent de soutenir les programmes et les projets locaux. Toutes les décisions concernant la répartition des fonds dans la région de Pres- cott-Russell demeurent le choix du conseil

SelonM. Vaillancourt, les avantages sont que CUWPR et les autres organismes pour- ront mettre en commun certaines de leurs ressources et partager leur expertise de col- lectes de fonds et d’organisation, pour mieux servir leur propre collectivité. Club de Golf Outaouais, 301, Montée Outaouais Mike Gervais : 613-850-8124 Visitez notre bureau des ventes mercredi, jeudi et dimanche 10h à 14h RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITUTIONAL • PRE-ENG. BUILDING • DESIGN BUILD • PROJECT MANAGEMENT • FULLY BILINGUAL

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