Facilities Management Fiscal Team Goes Lean Facilities Management’s fiscal team adopted Lean process improvement techniques for voucher processing, purchase order issuances, contract monitoring, expanding the contractor base for bidding procedures, and capital job spending. Lean initiatives reduce costs by eliminating redundancies and streamlining processes. These more efficient processes allow for continuous improvements resulting in less waste, higher productivity, and greater quality assurance, realizing substantial cost savings throughout the department and county. These initiatives included implementing a centralized email address for vendor invoice submissions, efficiencies in utility bill processing, implementing an OnBase workflow for Facilities Management Department purchase orders, and creating a database of potential contractors by industry for competitive bids. Facilities has greatly strengthened the county’s relationship with its vendors, improved voucher and purchase order processing efficiency, and saved solicitation time while creating opportunities for new vendors to participate in the county improvements. Much of this effort has also eliminated paper requests for purchase orders and voucher processing. More efficient voucher processing and blanket purchase orders have allowed Facilities to take advantage of term discounts and decreased costs with quantity purchasing, realizing a savings of thousands of dollars a year.
Gun Permits Office Renovations Facilities Management renovated space in the Allegheny County Courthouse for a new Gun Permits Office for the Sheriff’s Firearms Division. Work completed by in-house building trades staff included demolition, the addition of a steel reinforced block wall and a ballistic door at the front entrance to enhance employee safety, new flooring and carpeting, installation of energy efficient LED lights and Packaged Thermal Air Conditioning units, and painting.
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