King's Business - 1970-02


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S e ^ c o u p o r^ o ^P a g e 3 7

Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home r .................. " ¡5 (j BU S IN E S S 13800 BIOLA AVENUE, LA MIRADA, CALIFORNIA 90638 THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine is a Publication of BIOLA Schools and Colleges, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor, S. H. Sutherland. President. FEBRUARY / VOL. 61 / NO. 2 / ESTABLISHED 1910 T H E K IN G ’S J TRAVEL C AM P . . ........................................... Peggy Sanders 1 4 THE GENERAT ION G A P ................................... Gordon McLean 16 THE DOUB LE DEPOS IT .................................. Vance Havner 18 GOD— SANC T IO NED A M B I T I O N ............ J. Oswald Sanders 22 JO N A T H A N ’S BIG DAY ................................... Betty Bruechert 2 4 INNO VA T IO NS IN LEARN ING ....................... Norman Wright 2 5 TH E B IB L IC A L TEACH ING ON CREATION John Whitcomb 2 7 THE B IB L E /T H E NOW B O O K ............................. Lowell Brown 2 8 W H A T ’S WRONG W ITH A N G L O -IS R A E L IS M ? .............................................. Louis T. Talbot 3 2 TH EY REACH O U T TO STUDEN TS . . . Marjorie Larson 3 8 IF I GO ANYWHERE , I’ LL TAKE JESUS W ITH M E ............ Mildred Vandenburgh 4 1 M ISS IONS A N D THE SUNDAY SCHOOL THE GREAT GAP .......................................................... Phill Butler FEATURES: 4 MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR . . Samuel H. Sutherland 6 PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS 7 RECORD REVIEWS 8 VBS ’7 0 13 OVER A CU P OF C O F F E E ........... .................Joyce Landorf 34 TA LK ING IT OVER .......................... . .Clyde M. Narramore 36 BOOK H IG H L IG H T S /R E V IEW S COVER: On page 10 is a s to ry w h ic h p re s e n ts a d iffe re n t ty p e o f c a m p in g e x p e rie n c e . C o ve r p h o to s w e re s u p p lie d by in d iv id ­ u a ls w h o p a rtic ip a te d in T ra v e l C am p. ARTICLES: 10

Scarred by a birthmark . . . abandoned as a baby . . . raised in a fort . . . searching for identity — this is Vinegar Boy. His job — to take his flask of vinegar wine to the crucifixion hill. His quest — to have his scar removed by the man of miracles. A vivid drama of Christ’s crucifixion... a heartwarming story for the whole family. Iffncgar Boy by Alberta Hawse A T Y O U R B O O K S T O R E $3.95 moo6y pRess


E d ito r M a n a g in g E d ito r

S. H. S u th e rla n d B ill E hm a nn J o h n O zm on B e tty B ru e c h e rt Paul S c hw e p k e r H. N o rm a n W rig h t

A r t D ire c to r C o p y E d ito r T re a s u re r C h ris tia n E d u c a tio n E d ito r

Pilgrim’s Map-The HolyLand Timely, historic map, showing the journeys and deeds of our Lord. Identifying Scripture references; produced in the Carpenter’s Work­ shop, Nazareth. Sent to all who send $1.00 or more to this m inistry to bring the Gospel to more than 2,000,000 Jews in metropolitan New York. A CHR ISTIAN W ITNESS FOR 70 YEARS NEWYORKMISSION TO THE JEWS Rev. David J. Fant, Litt.D., President Dept K, 149 Avenue B, New York, N.Y. 10009

T h e K in g ’s B u sin e ss, 1 3 8 0 0 B io la A venue , La M ira d a , C a lif. 9 0 6 3 8

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Subscription Rates: THE KING'S BUSINESS is published monthly with the exception of July/August issue which is combined. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00 one year; $1.50 six months, 30 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Add 90 cents extra for Canadian and Foreign subscriptions. Allow one month for a change of address to become effective. Please' send both old and new address. Re­ mittances should be made by bankdraft, express, or post office money order payable to THE KING'S BUSINESS. Advertising: For information address the Advertising Manager, THE KING'S BUSINESS, 13800 Biola Ave., La Mirada, California 90638. Manuscripts: THE KING'S BUSINESS cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second class postage paid in La Mirada, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, Glendale, (California.



St. John’s Revelation is usually the first book of the Bible to be “ interpreted,” “analyzed” or “ made plain” by religious and is usually the last book of the Bible to be tackled by the genuine Biblical scholar. Eerdmans has just published The Revela­ tion o f S t John —An Introduction and Com­ mentary by Dr. Leon Morris, Principal of Ridley College, Mel­ bourne, Australia. This volume is the 19th in the famous Tyndale New Testament Commentaries series. It’s been long awaited. And, because of its clarity and objectivity, it will be welcomed and read by readers of all faiths. kooks...


*a message from the editor "

BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND / PRESIDENT, BIOLA SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, INC. I N THE last generation , premillennial preachers and Christian leaders were widely condemned as “Prophets of Doom.” Bible students repeatedly stated that, as the scriptures said, in the last days perilous times would come and men would be lovers of their own selves, proud, boastful, blasphemous, disobedient to parents; that there would be a widespread form of godliness but that those who maintained it in large measure would “deny the power” in­ volved. Premillennial preachers foretold the lawlessness, increase in crime, breakdown of morals, and all other forms of iniquity which today are being observed and experienced throughout our country and indeed throughout the world. But as fa r as our be­ loved America was concerned, it was boldly denied that “these things could ever happen here” and it was declared that only those preachers, “prophets of doom,” incurable pessimists, and the like, dared to state that it could. Alas, the voices of the critics of the premillennial position are completely silenced in the light of events as they are transpiring before our very eyes! It is happening here! Not only are Bible-believing premillennial preachers proclaiming these facts as they have been foretold in the scriptures but also the secular press and indeed right-thinking people everywhere are now recognizing that these conditions are indeed with us exactly as predicted in the scriptures. A monthly magazine called P G & E Progress, put out by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company in San Francisco, California, published in its February 1969 issue a column entitled, “Will His­ tory Repeat?” It sets forth the five basic reasons why the Roman Empire withered and died, as explained in the classic, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, written by Edward Gibbon in 1788: (1) The undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home which is the basis of human society. (2) Higher and higher taxes; the spending of public money for free bread and circuses for the populace. (3) The mad craze for pleasure; sports becom­ ing every year more exciting, more brutal, more immoral. (4) The building of great armaments when the real enemy was within— THE KING'S BUSINESS


the decay of individual responsibility. (5) The decay of religion; faith fading into mere form, losing touch with life, losing power to guide the people. The concluding statement of the magazine’s editor is: “The oft-heard warning that history repeats itself has an ominous meaning in the light of the above.” Indeed it has! Elsewhere we read, “The average age of the world’s great civilizations has been two hundred years. These great civilizations progressed through this sequence: from bondage to spiritual faith, from spiritual faith to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfish- ness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bond­ age.” This statement concludes, “In seven years, the United States will be two hundred years old. The cycle is not inevitable, but it depends on you.” Sometime ago, a nationally-known commentator, Raymond Moley, one of the original “brain trusters” of the late President Roosevelt’s inner circle who saw the light and pulled away from the Roosevelt policies, retired after 36 years as a journalist. In his concluding column, he quoted another journalist, Arthur Krock, who in his memoirs, talked about “The great change.” He said, “From these consequences I have contracted a visceral fear; it 1 is that the tenure of the United States, as the first power in the world, may be one of the shortest in history.” Raymond Moley himself stated, “I agree with the many specifics which prompted Arthur Krock’s somber conclusion.” He went on to decry a “state of apathetic permissiveness induced by twin delusions: tha t great national might is ours in perpetuity, and that what is called a free society is indestructible.” He distinguishes between freedom and liberty. “The blessings of liberty as written by the makers of our Constitution imply laws and authority which protect those that enjoy them. Freedom provides no blessings; it creates no environment but chaos.” These are indeed solemn warnings which come, not from Biblically-oriented commentators, but from hard- headed newsmen who see things as they are and who appraise them within the light of past experience and present trends. On the one hand, Bible-believing Christians, looking about us and seeing all of these immoral and utterly lawless conditions on every hand, read our Bibles over again and shout “Hallelujah! Our redemption drawth nigh.” For our Lord has said that these things will surely come to pass a t the end of this dispensation. On the other hand, it is up to us to do everything possible to stay the hand of the wicked one, to restrain his influence, and to thwart his onward rush with every ounce of our energy. We need to be alert; we need to be so yielded to the Holy Spirit that He can use us for righteousness’ sake in this present evil world. This is exactly the function of the H o i/ Spirit as He works in and through the lives of Christians. We read in II Thessalonians 2:7-8: “For the mystery of inquity doth already work: only he [the Holy Spirit] who now hindereth will hinder, until he be taken out of the way, and then shall that wicked one be revealed.” The Holy Spirit is working in and through the hearts of believers every­ where and therefore it is the believers who are hindering the working out of the mystery of iniquity until the Christians are raptured at the end of this dispensation, when antichrist will be fully revealed. It is our privilege as Christians not only to proclaim the unsearchable riches of Christ, but to do everything we possibly can to make the society in which we live a righteous society, staying the work of the evil one by every means available, all to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Bj FEBRUARY, 1970 % » ,

The tragic and tortuous account of a mother and father’s attempt to reach their wayward, alcoholic son. Bernard Palmer’s gripping, forceful novel throbs with the anguish and bewilderment of his own personal experience. How can a sincere Christian family experience the heartache of an un­ reachable son? What can be done? Does God care? Will He help? Answers are found in this intense, provocative drama of life as it is.

M y S o n , M y Son



mooòy press T H E N A M E Y O U C A N T


A. REID JEPSON has been appointed to the post of Vice President for Public Ministries of the Far East Broadcasting Company, Whittier, California. Mr. Jep- son has served as Executive Director at Lake Sammamish Bible Conference cen­ ter near Seattle, Wash. He will be avail­ able for missions conferences, college chapels, service clubs, and other open­ ings. His department will correlate the itineration schedules of FEBC leaders and missionary personnel, films and dis­ plays. Evangelist LUIS PALAU and his cru­ sade team have been granted the use of an 18,000 seat “Arena Mexico” for a crusade scheduled for April 12 through 22, 1970. According to Palau, this is the first time this type of permission has been gained for evangelistic purposes since BILLY GRAHAM visited Mexico in February, 1958, in the same arena. Some 200 churches are supporting the April phase of the crusade which is a continu­ ing ministry in Mexico with the Luis Palau team, sponsored by Overseas Cru­ sades. Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee, has been approved for regional accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. The school is in its 40th year with a total enrollment of more than 400. DR. THEODORE C. MERCER is president. DR. A R NO L D T.

D is c o v e r the everyday convenience of owning more than one size edition of T h e N e w S c o f ie l d , the leading evangelical study Bible acclaimed by lay­ men and scholars alike. Particularly popular for personal, family, and group use are the many styles and colors now avail­ able in the Large Size NSRB Edition and in its more portable counterpart, the Handy Size Edition. All N e w S c o f ie l d styles include the complete text of the King James Version, Concise Concordance, New Oxford Bible Maps with Index, and the well- known Scofield features. All offer thousands of addi- tional cross references, more comprehensive footnotes, and other improved helps.

OLSON, president of the Evangelical Free Chu rch of America and the National As­ sociation of Evangeli­ cals, has been elect­ ed a vice president of the United Bible Societies. Dr. Olson is also a member of the American Bible

LARGE SIZE EDITION (5s/4 x 85/s")

HANDY SIZE EDITION (5V8x 7'k, only 7/e" thick)

Society Board of Managers. As a vice president of UBS, Dr. Olson will help guide and interpret the global mission of the 49-member body which has work in over 150 countries and territories. Sermons From Science, the continu­ ing ministry in Montreal which began with the World Fair in the Sermons From Science Pavillion in 1967, is changing its name to Christian Direction, Inc. The change has been made due to the widen­ ing scope of the ministry which has grown far beyond its original founding.

New! Two-tone Brown Cowhide, gold edges. Ultrathin Oxford India paper. 09156x. $19.50 Other Handy Size styles — $16.95 to $25.00.

French Morocco, gold edges. Fine Bible paper. B lack , B lue , or R ed . 09173. $16.50 Other Large Size styles — $7.95 to $32.50.

T he N ew S cofield is also available in Looseleaf and W ide M argin Editions —$29.50 to $39.50. Ask to see th e full range of styles at your bookseller. OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS / New York



A lb um R ev iew s

CHURCH IS FINALLY OVER by The Good Twins, Ralph Carmichael Orchestra and Cho­ rus. The album jacket suggests that “ today there is a vibrant awakening among the American people toward Gospel music. Dwight and Dwayne Good have earned a well de­ served reputation as one of America’s fore­ most Gospel duos.” This album combines some of the “ new sound” with the talent and style of The Good Twins to offer a balance for enjoy­ ment. Some of the titles include “ Church is Finally Over,” “ He’s Everything to Me,” “ You’ll Never Walk Alone,” “ There is More to Life,” "Jesus Died,” and “ I looked for Love.” Produced by Supreme Recordings, Inc., Glendale, California. Stereo S-222.

“The best of EUROPE and the HOLY LAND”

A three-week tour conducted by Dr. and Mrs. George O. Peek APRIL 22-MAY 13, 1970 Dr. George O. Peek has served as pastor of the North Long Beach Brethren Church (1600 members) for 22 years. He is also a Director of Biola College and Talbot Semi­ nary. Dr. and Mrs. Peek have traveled ex­ tensively in Europe, Mexico, South Ameri­ ca and the Bible Lands. This will be their third trip to the Holy Land. They conducted a private tour of Europe and the Holy Land in 1967. Their experience in travel and their knowledge o f the Bible Lands make them the ideal hosts. Dr. Peek will lecture in the hotels and at the Bible sites. This will be a thrilling trip that will enrich your Christian experi­ ence. Write or phone today for full color brochure with complete information. DR. GEORGE O. PEEK 6095 Orange Avenue Long Beach, California 90805 Phone: 423-5431 DO YOU FIND IT HARD to speak to others about their SALVATIONS their FEARS? their TROUBLES? their SOR­ ROWS? Many Christians do. And yet they sincerely want their lives to be an influence for the Lord. There is a way of approach that is courteous and effective. Use -our leaflets and booklets specially prepared for spiritual needs. Only Bible verses used with appropri­ ate headings. Sample titles: GOD'S MESSAGE TO YOU, FEAR NOT, FOUR THINGS GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW, WORDS OF COM­ FORT, WHY READ THE BIBLE? etc. Send for FREE samples. Make use o f the WORD.; AMERICAN SCRIPTURE GIFT MISSION 1211 Arch Street, Room K, Phila., Pa. 19107

IT’S GREAT TO BE ALIVE Featuring Joyce Landorf and background by Otis Skillings, this album will be of in­ terest to teenagers as well as adults who are young at heart. The soloist prepared this album for her own two teenagers she states. "There are parents who will not be fond of this type of music, but whose teenagers will eat it up," says Joyce Landorf. Selections include “ It’s Great to be Alive,” “ I Looked for love,” "Church is Finally Over,” “Wayfarin' Stranger," and other con­ temporary songs. The style vibrates with to­ day’s music that appeals to youth. Vibrant Productions, Inc., Riverside, Calif. Stereo VPS-1508.

RAPTURE by Pat Boone, with the Paul Michelson Orchestra and Chorus. On the album jacket Pat Boone suggests, “ Record­ ing this album has been one of the greatest spiritual highlights of my life and my entire career . . . Christ returning for His own will be the most profound moment in history, and it is, I believe, very near. . . Pat Boone in this album is joined by his wife, Shirley, and the Paul Michelson Orchestra and Chorus. Selections include “ Bound for the Promised Land,” “ He Touched Me," “ How Great Thou Art,” “ There’s a Song in my Heart," “ Battle Hymn of the Republic," and others. Produced by Supreme Recordings, Inc., Glendale, California. Stereo SS-2060.

SOUNDS OF CHRISTMAS by Paul Michelson Choir, featuring Charles Magnuson, pianist, Paul Michelson, organist. A number of the best-known Christmas carols are presented, alternating the Paul Michelson Choir with instrumental versions. Some of the features included are "Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” “ There’s a Song in the Air,” “ 0 Little Town of Bethlehem,” "Silent Night," “ Good Chris­ tian Men Rejoice,” “ While Sh e p h e r d s Watched Their Flocks,” and “ Joy to the World.” Produced by Supreme Recordings, Inc., Glendale, California. Stereo SS-2057.

Sell World Travel New course shows how! Ideal part tim e! work for teachers, retirees, home workers, , handicapped. FREE TRAVEL FOLDERS AND I MAILING PIECES . . . you provide the^ postage and earn big commissions. Sell i package tours and cruises. Prepare fo r! job with an agency or operate your own. , Home or office, part or full time. FREE I FACTS or send $5.00 for big first lesson (credit on final payment of course a tl $275.00). E-Z terms. Lack money? Need * work . . . write. Help is available. TRAVEL, Box 625, Michigan City, Indiana 46360.1


. . . is an excellent gift for your pastor. Special Christmas rate is $2.50 per year.



R ET IR EM EN T G IFT -ANNU ITY H e re a re f o u r im p o r t a n t fa c t s f o r C h r is t ia n s b e tw e e n 4 0 a n d 6 0 c o n s id e r in g re t ire m e n t ye a rs . FACT 1 . The Retirement Gift-Annuity is de­ signed especially for the Christian who wants to give generously to the Lord’s work now at a time when his earning capacity and produc­ tivity are highest, and still provide for his future needs. FACT 2. A Retirement Gift-Annuity (RGA) provides guaranteed payments for life at re­ tirement. For example, single life annual re­ turns for males on RGA on the basis of $1,000 commencing at age 65 are as follows. FACT 3. There are immediate and future tax benefits to be realized through the RGA plan. And, contracts may be issued on a single life or survivorship basis for gifts of cash, real estate, securities, or other marketable assets having a value of $1,000 or more. FACT 4. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that your RGA will help Wheaton College to advance its objectives in Christian higher education for young people during your lifetime, and afterward. »■ Dept. K270 Without obligation, please send me information on □ RETIREMENT GIFT-ANNUITY; □ Life Income Agreements; □ Deposit Agreements; □ Wills n Issue Age 40 50 60 Annual Payments $185.21 123.46 76.16

Wheaton College announces the new.

SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS S c rip tu re P ress P u b lic a tio n s has cho sen th e th em e , “ P ro v in g G od ’s P rom is e s ,” fo r th e 1 9 7 0 V a c a tio n B ib le S cho ol m a te ria ls . W ith in th a t fra m e w o rk , d e p a rtm e n ta l t h e m e s in c lu d e , “ L o v in g th e L o rd W i t h D a v id ” on th e n u rs e ry le ve l; “ Re­ m e m b e rin g th e L o rd Is W ith U s ” fo r b e g in n e rs ; “ G row in g a n d D o in g fo r J e s u s ” in th e p rim a ry d e p a rtm e n t; “ F o llow in g M y G u id e ” fo r ju n io rs ; “ A c c e p tin g C h ris t's C h a lle n g e ” fo r y o u n g te e n s , a n d “ K now W h a t You B e lie v e ” in th e a d u lt p ro g ram . T h e m a te ria l is a v a ila b le fo r b o th fiv e - a n d te n -d a y s c h o o ls . In tro d u c ­ to r y k its a re a v a ila b le a lo n g w ith a fre e 16 -pa ge VBS p ro g ra m m e r b ro c h u re . C om p le te in fo rm a tio n is o ffe re d fro m S c rip tu re P ress P u b li­ c a tio n s , Inc., 1 8 2 5 C o lle g e A venue , W hea ton , Illin o is 6 0 1 8 7 .

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STANDARD PUBLISHING “ God Ca res T o d a y ” is th e th em e fo r th e 1 9 7 0 V a c a tio n B ib le S cho ol m a te ria ls a v a ila b le fro m S ta n d a rd P u b lis h in g C om p a n y. W ith a s p e c ia l em p h a s is on e v a n g e lism , th e m a ­ te r ia ls a re a v a ila b le in b o th fiv e -d a y an d te n -d a y p ro g ram s . A fu ll-c o lo r film s tr ip e n title d “ God S till C a re s” is o ffe re d fo r fre e s h o w in g to b u ild e n th u s ia sm , re c ru it w o rk e rs , an d s tim u la te fin a n c ia l s u p p o rt p r io r to

PROCLAIMING CHRIST TO ISRAEL BY RADIO For o v e r t h ir ty y e a rs On m o re th a n f ifty s ta tio n s W rite for free copy of MESSAGE TO ISRAEL with radio log Message To Israel, Inc. Box 31, Patchogue, New York 11772 Associated with Bible Christian Union, Inc.




th e s c h o o l. It w ill have m e a n in g to th e e n tire c o n g re g a tio n as w e ll as to th e VBS s ta ff. D a ily le sso n s in c lu d e s tu d ie s lik e , "G o d S how s T h a t He C a re s ," “ P ro ­ v id e s F or O u r N e e d s ," "A n s w e rs P ra y e r," “ H e lp s in T im e s o f T ro u ­ b le ," “ H e lp s Us O v e rc om e F e a r,” e tc. T h e le sso n s a n d m a te ria ls a re p re p a re d f o r n u rs e ry ag e th ro u g h a d u lt. Review k its a re a v a ila b le fro m S ta n d a rd P u b lis h in g , 8 1 2 1 H a m il­ to n A ven ue , C in c in n a ti, O h io 4 5 2 3 1 .

won’t you?

Discover C hrist where k jfou are 1

Ok Soon knows that God loves her, but she longs for the love that COMPASSION can bring. Your love can bring

GOSPEL LIGHT PUBLICATIONS “ Y o u n g s te rs d o n ’t ju s t accept, n o w a d a y s ," s ta te d M is s B e t t y P e rs h in g , VBS E d ito r fo r G ospel L ig h t P u b lic a tio n s . “ T h e y liv e in an age b u ilt on d is c o v e rin g . A n d d is ­ c o v e rin g th e ir ow n a n sw e rs g iv e le s ­ son tr u th s m o re m e a n in g . S tu d e n ts a re in v o lv e d in ‘g u id e d d is c o v e ry ’ th ro u g h a c tiv ity , B ib le re s e a rc h , in ­ d iv id u a l a n d g ro u p th in k in g a n d d o in g ." E n title d “ D is c o v e r C h ris t W he re You A r e ," th e m a te ria l in v o lv e s le s ­ so n s w h ic h s e t u p s itu a tio n s w h e re s tu d e n ts o f a ll ages a re e n c o u ra g e d to “ d is c o v e r" a n sw e rs fo r th e m ­ se lve s — th ro u g h B ib le s tu d y , in ­ d iv id u a l th o u g h t, s e lf-e x a m in a tio n , a n d g ro u p d is c u s s io n . T h e m a te ria l com e s in 5 -d a y o r 1 0 -d a y p ro g ram s . E the l B a r r e tt’s new VBS f ilm ­ s trip , “ C ry Down th e F ire, C ry Down th e R a in ,” is w ritte n to re c r u it an d m o tiv a te C h ris tia n E d u c a tio n an d VBS w o rk e rs th ro u g h th e in s p irin g B ib le s to ry o f E lija h . F ilm s trip is a v a ila b le fo r fre e use a n d re tu rn . T e n -d a y a n d 5 -d a y S am p le K its an d new c o lo r b ro c h u re s a re a ls o a v a il­ a b le fro m s u p p lie rs o r fro m G /L , 7 2 5 E. C o lo ra d o B lv d ., G le n d a le , C a lif. FEBRUARY, 1970

And what a blessing! You'll know blessing and reward beyond compare when you sponsor your own little boyorgirl in Korea, Indonesia, India or Haiti. Letters and pic­ tures are exchanged. Your child knows you by name. Prayers span the miles. Your life is enriched through sharing your love. Follow you r heart! Know the jo y of sponsoring a love-starved child today. T 7"TT1 /">| I I want to sponsor a lonely child V H I today. I understand I may dis- J . continue at any time. COMPASSION, me. Rev. Henry Harvey, President K20 I prefer a Dboy or □ girl, approximately_____ _____years old, from the land o f_____________ ------------- Please rush FULL particulars. Enclosed is □ $12 for first month □ $144 for first year. □ Select a child for me from the most needy country. □ I am unable to sponsor, but wish to contrib­ ute $__________ for general child care. □ Please rush further information today. □ Send my FREE tapestry at once. 7774 Irving Park Road Chicago, Illinois 60634 (Canadian residents write Box 880, Blenheim, Ontario)

a smile to her face and drive fear from her eyes. L ittle Ok Soon is on ly eight, bu t she's known more suffering and heartache than most people experience in a lifetime. Yes, she's heard about her Heavenly Father, and she truly trusts Him. But, deep in her heart she longs for a human care and love that she has never known . . . a love that perhaps only you can give her. And, Ok Soon is but one of more than 22,000 children in COMPASSION Homes —children yearning for human expressions of Christian love. Their plight is heartbreaking. These needy children have suffered the terrors of war, poverty, famine and disease. They pray for the love o f an American "m omm y or daddy" or "b ig b ro th e r or sister." They need food, clothing, medical care and a Christian Home. And, this is what you offer when you sponsor one of these lovely boys or girls for only $12 a month (just pennies a day). CHILDREN LIKE THESE NEED LOVE.

Name__ Address. City-----------------------State__________Zip Make checks payable to Compassion, Inc. Contributions are tax deductible.

You will receive a lovely, colorful hand-embroidered tapestry direct from the Orient if you will sponsor a needy child. 9

Travel Camp leaders (l. to r.) John Coulombe, Ga/ry Oliver, Charles Bradshaw.

b y P e g g y S a n d e r s

U NSATISFIED w ith th e traditional camp situa­ tion, and searching for a summer experience that would change the lives of their young people, Charles Bradshaw, John Coulombe, and Gary Oliver, three youth pastors from the Los Angeles area, met in the fall of 1968 to discuss ideas for a more meaningful program. Six months later, after hard work and much prayer, Summer Travel Camp ’69 became a reality and the answer to their need for a new kind of camping experience. Designed for young people who wanted to concentrate on Bible study and growth, each prospective camper was asked to submit an application with his testimony and a self-evaluation of his witness at home and on his campus. Each accepted camper (in this case, each one who applied) was given a 45-page syllabus describing the aims and rules of conduct of the camp (plus Bible study outlines and various evalu­

ation sheets to be used during the camp). There the young people knew exactly what to expect and what behaviour was expected of them. Campers from three churches met on July 23 and piled on to the bus that would carry the 40 high schoolers and five counselors on a 3,000-mile journey. Over eleven days, the group would view Yellowstone and Zion National Parks, the Grand Canyon, Oak Creek Canyon, and Salt Lake City (guided by CBA missionary to the Mormons, Mar­ vin Cowen). Each evening the boys’ work teams set up tents as the girls, also divided into teams, shared KP duty. Recreation was provided by na­ ture-hiking, swimming in the lakes and springs and fishing, but most of the campers’ time was spent in the bus or campsite of the day. Unlike the traditional camp where each moment is structured for a particular activity, as the camp­ ers traveled a t different hours and put up camp at



were also four pre-camp training meetings so that different times each day, there could be no set schedule. Bible study might range from one-half to two hours, depending on the leading of the Holy Spirit and interest of the kids. This was important to the leaders because it gave the campers an op­ portunity to think over each thing tha t was dis­ cussed without being rushed off to “recreation time” or something else. Dr. Richard McNeely, professor a t Biola Col­ lege who traveled along with the group as the camp speaker, feels tha t “this is the key, to give people enough time to think over what has been presented and to talk it over.” Having Bible studies out-of-doors, the kids weren’t aware of a schedule. Everything was fresh, very personal, specific, and geared to small groups for Bible study and dis­ cussions. The camp had no set schedule or method for witnessing either. Charles Bradshaw says, “This is what we emphasized, the inner, the inner quality before you try to express what you really have.” However, as the campers got into the Word of God, they were encouraged through the Bible study to witness, and many opportunities arose for shar­ ing all that they were experiencing in their lives. One evening camp was set up beside a group from a Boys’ Camp in South Dakota. Charles relates: “I t was thrilling to go to bed that night and hear your kids outside leading someone to the Lord.” By the end of camp, there had been time to talk about the Lord Jesus Christ to many people from Boy Scout to hippie. The campers themselves felt that one of the most valuable things in the camp set-up was the fact that they were often confined to rather small areas. For eleven days, 40 teenagers lived together, worked together, ate together, cleaned up together, and had problems together. John Coulombe says, “You couldn’t be a phony on a trip like this. We had to be ‘real’ which was difficult for some, but they were accepted for what they were.” Gary Oliver explains, “It was a give-and-take situation. They had to learn how to love each other and give in.” Although the kids knew exactly why they were going to Travel Camp, the one unsaved boy did go along. “Bill became a focal point for the group,” Dr. McNeely says. “I felt tha t when we started out there were still really three groups. Everyone talked to everyone else, but there were three dis­ tinct groups. But everyone became interested in Bill, and it drew the whole camp together in prayer for him and it also worked to unify the camp. Bill made no bones about his rebellion. If it hadn’t been for the unified effect of travel camp and other factors, he probably wouldn’t have made his com­ mitment. In a traditional camp, he may not have

Travel Camp Bible teacher, Richard I. McNeely.


gotten to the point of commitment; first, because he accepted the Lord on the eighth day out, when a traditional camp would have been over, and sec­ ond, because he was isolated and could not find escape with other non-Christians.” As the campers were placed in a practical camp­ ing experience, in a real situation with real prob­ lems, they learned how to get into the Word, how to use the power of the Holy Spirit, and how to take advantage of the God-given opportunities to share their faith. On the last evening, as Dr. Mc- Neely passed a loaf of bread and a chalice of grape juice, giving a deeper, significant meaning to the communion service, the real love relationship that had grown between the churches was evident. As plans for a Travel Camp reunion in one month were discussed, campers had time to reflect on the goals of the camp as stated in the booklet: 1. To offer outstanding physical, mental, social, and spiritual opportunities in a recreational set­ ting for Christian development and fellowship through activities that will encourage healthy, bal­ anced Christian living. 2. To make you sense the urgency of total sacri­ ficial commitment to Christ, which would involve daily prayer, Bible study, and witnessing. 3. To give disciplined Bible study methods and training and teach the Word of God in such a way that it will have a relevance for every area of your life, so tha t you will know why and what you believe. 4. To understand the power and importance of the Holy Spirit in daily life on and off your cam­ puses, in and away from home. 5. To help you grow toward spiritual maturity in Christ by examining His Word and yourself. 6. To give you opportunities to witness and share your faith. Travel Camp ’69 was declared a success as these 40 teenagers felt these goals had been realized and accomplished in their own lives. Traditional camp presents an ideal type situa­ tion—cloistered effect. Then the traditional faggot service and going down the mountain—literally. Travel Camp presents problems and conflicts and shows that life can be faced, lived, and exciting, but you must give them the tools—not just a medi­ cine for the present, but for the future as well. EDITOR’S NOTE: Recent contact with these youth directors indicates that Bill is growing in his Christian experience and con­ cern about his daily walk with Christ. The leaders are enthusiastic about the Travel Camp and plans are developing for a similar program this year. This story is presented for the benefit of youth leaders who are looking for new and different ideas in their camp­ ing ministry. For further information on Travel Camp, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to THE KING’S BUSINESS Magazine, 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638. THE KING'S BUSINESS

“I pity all of you who passed her by, for your fear must be greater than tha t w h ich sh e knew.” Her words, “bothered to in­ dulge themselves in a little bit of compassion” burn in my thoughts. Where were the loving Chris­ tians tha t night? Where were the ministers, the Sunday schoo l teachers, the Campus Life teen­ agers? But mostly — where was I that night and would I have loved ENOUGH? MISSIONARIES HAVE BABIES TOO! If your Women’s Missionary Society is looking for a marvelous gift for missionaries, here is one idea: Better Homes And Gardens has just put out a very complete BABY BOOK including every­ thing from prenatal care through the sixth year. Missionary mothers have the same fears, questions and doubts that we do except they have no phones which instantly connect them with a doctor, emergency facility or well-equipped hospital, and no dozen other mothers on the block with whom to share problems and solutions. The book would be a welcome addition to any missionary family, but most surely, it would be a practical show of your love and concern as a woman to woman. VALENTINE CANDY IDEA Peanut-butter Balls 1 cup ground dates 1 cup powdered sugar 1 cup peanut butter 2 tablespoons soft butter Mix well and roll into small balls. Melt 1 large pkg. of chocolate chips with 2 tablespoons paraffin (wax) in double boiler. Dip balls into chocolate. Let dry on waxed paper. Makes 5 doz. (Sounds like a lot of work, but it’s not!) Recipe sent by Lila Hertzberg, Tacoma, Wash. Mrs. Hertzberg has a son attending Biola College. 13 Yvonne Lyn Long Beach


by Joyce Landorf

T hrow th e words “Valentine’s Day” into a crowd of people and ask them to say the first word that enters their minds. You’ll get: Love Cupid Flowers Cards, poetry, romantic candles . . . Actually, the whole business of Valentine’s Day has been over­ done and commercialized so much it’s ridiculous! The word “love” still has an age-old meaning, no matter what we do to it. Our Lord listed that word as the highest command­ ment He could give . . . yet do we REALLY love? A few months ago, a little four- year-old girl was found clinging to a fence on a busy California freeway. She had been abandoned FEBRUARY, 1970

by a mother and step-father who instructed her to say a false name and address. Little Jody did just tha t and for more than twelve hours waited for someone to stop. The Los Angeles Times pub­ lished this letter from a reader which frankly gets to the point of real loving and what it involves. “I don’t question the actions of little Jody Smith’s parents when they ‘dumped’ their little four- year-old daughter on the Califor­ nia freeway. Their intent is ob­ vious. “But I do question mankind, whose disinterest is so great that for 12 hours she could stand, clinging to a fence while not one stout-hearted man or maternal woman bothered to indulge them­ selves in a little bit of compas­ sion.

be under the age of 25 — they have great economic impact — an average of $10.58 a week to spend per teenager. For example, they are certainly making themselves heard in everything from music and a rt to styles and riots and in all of these areas they have done very little to prevent the noisy minority from representing all of them. Adults have w il l in g ly gone along for the ride by copying teen styles in dress, language and thought. While being thoroughly horrified at the increase in drug abuse among youth, adults have eagerly picked up the psychedelic styles of dress, decor and decor­ um. The advertising appeal of such paraphernalia is staggering. But the biggest boost given by adults to the myth is the fact they want to be liked by young peo­ ple, even more than respected. Dad may be too busy, pressured or tired to be a good father, so he is thoroughly willing to settle for being a pal to his son. How­ ever unwelcome the recipient may be, the role is fa r more relaxing and less demanding on the main character. As a result we have a new national pastime — adults working hard a t winning popu­ larity contests w ith m opp e ts . While we were being alerted to the dictatorship of the proletariat, we were quietly subdued by the teeny-boppers. Further, parents, for example, will believe the myth as long as

“ M O II CAN FORGET IT. It doesn’t V exist.” I With that assertion, the ar­ ticle could be over now except for the fact tha t many adults, mes­ merized by the mass media, are convinced there is an insurmount­ able wall between them and the younger generation. This view is particularly prevalent in church circles. Because my simple asser­ tion is not likely to dispel such thoughts, it might be wise to look into the matter further and find out the real situation. The generation gap is some­ thing most young people recog­ nize for what it is — a myth, the imaginary product of sensational journalism. But as long as adults can be manipulated when they believe it, our youth certainly aren’t going to discard such a valuable tool. For them, it’s the best thing to come along since the axiom “Everybody else is doing it” was pawned off on adults as a suitable guideline for youth morals. Reinforcing the myth is anoth­ er phrase that can run tremors through the adult world—“Don’t trust a n y o n e o v e r 30!” Most young people doubted that one would take hold, but its impact fa r exceeded their fondest expec­ tations. Our world is becoming ever more conscious of young people for a variety of reasons: there are more of them — 52 per cent of the world’s population will soon

they encounter the problem of be­ ing unable to communicate with their own children, ignoring the fact that long before they lost touch with junior, they had quit communicating with each other. Church leaders will lean on the myth as an explanation for the loss of youth interest in institu­ tional religious activities. I t would be much wiser to look a t the in­ adequacy of their own programs: sermons with more q u e s tio n marks than exclamation marks; dry lectures that vary little from contemporary affairs’ discussions on campus; profound answers to questions nobody is asking and no answers to questions they a re ; an epileptic-style leap on every new philosophical bandwagon or a sta­ tic commitment to a Victorian ethic paraded as a spirituality. Rather than face these problems, it appears easier just to blame the whole problem on “young peo­ ple today,” shake our heads, and shuffle on. Then we need make no changes in the status quo, which is as one expressed it, “Latin for the mess we’re in.” If a generation gap doesn’t exist any more than it ever has, a communication gap certainly does. Adults and teenagers will have differing views, friends and interests. This is the normal gap between age groups. But when they cannot sit down and talk reasonably with each other with some degree of understanding, then we do have a problem. THE KING'S BUSINESS


Even the best of our families experience these tensions. What to do about them is the problem. Adults can begin by learning all they can about the world their children are growing up in—visit .their youngsters’ schools, go to some of their school activities, get acquainted with their friends and encourage those friends to come to their home, check out teen rec­ ords and reading material. They might even like some of it! Beyond that, parents can cre­ ate a climate in their home so their youngsters feel free to talk with them about anything or any problem. Lending an open and sympathetic ear does not mean approving of wrong conduct or siding against a legitimate au­ thority acting fairly, but. it does offer a refuge from pressure and a security even the most stable young person needs a t times. All this may sound like a big challenge and more than a little frightening. But, “. . . Any of you does not know how to meet any particular problem, he has only to ask God — who gives gener­ ously to all men without making them foolish or guilty — and he may be quite sure the necessary wisdom will be given” (James 1:5, Phillips). Here is wonderful support for any parents or fam­ ily. The truth is young people want and are eager for adult interest and relationships. A good deal of my time is spent with the most disturbed element of our youth— the under-privileged, s c a r e d young delinquent and his opposite number, the o v e r -p r iv ile g e d , bored, often more delinquent con­ temporary from the right side of the tracks. I’ve talked, laughed, wept and prayed with them — and listened as well. If these youngsters can be reached, any youth can. Youngsters w an t acceptance. They want to know someone cares, really cares for th em . They’ve been told, “You have all the ability to make good” until they’re tired of the phrase. They are hungry for someone — par- FEBRUARY, 1970

bribery. They beg them to be good with cars, spending m o n e y , clothes, etc., ignoring the things money can never buy. Most im p o r t a n t , they want spiritual direction. Last night I talked with a high school senior who has been heavily involved in the drug scene. He’s now being held on burglary charges, and the drugs which he and a companion took were used at a party which resulted in the death of a teenage girl. Like so many young people, this young man was attracted to drugs by the pressure of the crowd, the lure of the forbidden, lack of proper information, and, perhaps most tragic of all, bore­ dom. “I didn’t have anything bet­ ter to do. A lot of the older guys say drugs really help you find out who you are and what life is all about,” he said. Drugs don’t real­ ly help. They merely create a tem­ porary world of illusion, offering a short-lived, unrealistic escape followed by a miserable and trag­ ic come-down. He had been to church way back when, but no­ body had ever told the young man about a personal encounter with the Lord. He was most open and eager as we talked, and later prayed, together. Another brilliant young man in a juvenile correctional institution told me, “I certainly didn’t want to be sent here. But if it took this to straighten out my life and bring me to Christ, then it’s the best break I ever got in my life.” And it is. The important thing is that nearly all of these young peo­ ple follow through on their com­ mitment and are now active in churches in the community. Young people can be reached. There is no gap between genera­ tions, only between people. God’s love can break down those bar­ riers if we allow Him. I pray we will. There’s a whole generation of eager, exciting, w o n d e r f u l young people waiting to know us —and Him. m Gordon R. McLean is executive director of the Santa Clara Valley Youth For Christ. 15

ent, teacher, pastor, counsellor, or friend — who will say, and mean, “I want to see you succeed; I really care if you do, and I’m will­ ing to help you.” They want u n d e r s ta n d in g . Every Sunday night for an hour I open the phone lines for an anonymous talk show with teens on a Top 40 radio station, and the calls pour in, not only on the air at the rate of about 2000 a night, but also all week long at my office. These young people are anxious to give their views on our topics or discuss their problems, many of them deep and serious. So very often these young people say there is no one they can talk to—adults either can’t, don’t, or won’t listen to them. When they do listen, it’s with the attitude, “Okay, say your piece and when you’re through, I’ll tell you a thing or two.” That is not really listening. They are not seeking someone to side with them against proper authority or excuse them when t h e y a r e wrong; they are hoping to find someone who will listen patiently and then level with them, offering a straight, sane counsel. Youth wants responsible stand­ ards. From all adults, they look for a consistency that says my patriotism is deeper than flag- waving, my moral integrity more than talk, my devotion to Christ and His church more than pious routine. As to parents, I ’ll never forget the young lady who told me, “I wish my Mom and Dad loved me enough to say ‘no’ once in a while.” They never restricted her, never c h e c k e d on her where­ abouts, never required anything of her in the way of responsibili­ ties. As a result, she seriously questioned their love f o r he r. Young people even seek limits as a means of defense against activi­ ties in their crowd. They’ll say to the gang, “I can’t ’cause my folks won’t let me,” and under their breath they’ll be thanking their parents for getting them out of a difficult predicament. Other parents attempt to influence con­ duct among their teenagers by

THAT which we have committed unto Him against THAT day. There are three THAT’S in the King James rendering and they make a mighty trio. And what a word is that middle THAT! God will keep THAT which we com­ mit. He will keep only what we commit but He will keep all that we commit. We are to commit our souls unto Him and if He can keep the greater, He can keep the lesser so we ought to give Him everything we are and have. This is what the New Testa­ ment word for faith means any­ way. It is more than believing; it is trust. It is more than con­ fidence; it is committal. In the little home town of my early years, we had two banks, but I trusted only one. I believed both were reliable but I made actual committal to only one. Some be­ lieve that Jesus is the Son of God, that the Bible is the Word of God, that God will keep what we commit, but they never make the deposit. Paul did not merely believe God was trustworthy; he trusted God. Some of us commit our souls to Him but insist on trying to take care of lesser matters ourselves. Imagine a motorist picking up a weary traveler lugging a heavy load. The tired pilgrim sits down in the car but keeps his load upon his shoulder. He explains that since the motorist was so kind as to haul him, he does not wish to add the extra burden! God will take care of any load we have and we ought to take our burdens to Him and leave them there. Since He careth for us, we should let Him do it. He would be a foolish man who deposited his money at the bank and then returned every day wor­ ried and asking, “Is it still there?” God has promised to keep all we commit against THAT DAY. That ought to make it safe enough! After we have really made the deposit of everything from the greatest to the smallest, then we can turn ourselves to serving the Lord, relieved of our cares and detached from our burdens. Some

by Dr. Vance Havner

“For I know whom I have be­ lieved, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day. “That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us”

I n these two verses, Paul is writing about two committals: a committal which he has made to God and a committal which God has made to Timothy. The word used is equivalent to our banking word, “deposit.” Paul has de­ posited something with God and God has deposited something with Timothy. Indeed in verse 12, there has been uncertainty as to wheth­

er the deposit there is Paul’s com­ mittal to God or God’s commit­ ment to Paul. Some translate it either way. It could read “My trust” and that could be true in both cases. But generally it seems pretty well agreed that Paul is thinking of his deposit with God. Many a Christian has pillowed his weary head on this precious certainty, THAT God will keep



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