King's Business - 1970-02

is looking for men who, like Ja­ bez, are discontented with a limit­ ed opportunity when they could bring greater glory to God in a wider sphere . Ou r am b i t i o n should be for a wider influence for God, a deeper love toward God, a stronger faith in God and a grow­ ing knowledge of God. The motive of our ambition must be carefully watched, but when it is right, God will not deny our prayer for an enlarged sphere. “And God grant­ ed him tha t which he requested.” His third petition was for Di­ vine enablement. “Oh . . . that thine hand might be with me.” An enlarged coast involves in­ creased responsibilities and im­ poses greater demands. J a b e z knew he required a power greater than his own to possess and de­ velop this new territory for God. God’s hand represents His mighty power. John the Baptist moved Israel so mightily because “the hand of the Lord was with him” (Luke 1:66). So it was with Ja­ bez, for “God granted him that which he requested.” His final request was for Divine environment. “Oh . . . that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me!” Jabez well knew the inevitable peril of an en­ larged coast — increased activity on the part of his enemies. At­ tempting great things for God al­ ways attracts the hostile atten­ tion of the Evil One, and Jabez’ prayer is appropriate in all ages. “I pray . . . tha t thou shouldest keep them from the evil one” (John 17:15, A.S.V.) was our Lord’s petition for His own. We are very vulnerable to Satan’s at­ tacks and need to walk in humble dependence on God. In his con­ scious need Jabez prayed for a sense of God’s environing pres­ ence : “And God granted him that which he requested.” There is nothing which God will not do for the man whose sole ambition is for His greater glory. From A Spiritual Clinic by J. Oswald Sanders. Copyright 1958. Moody Press, Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Used by permission.

influence. Though his nature was set in a minor key and he inherits ed a bias toward pessimism, Jabez soared above his brother who in­ herited no such disability. I t may even be that it was his handicap which made him great, for dis­ abilities need never disqualify for a spiritual ministry. God is sympathetic toward a holy ambition. Jabez cherished a strong ambition to which God re­ sponded magnificently. His four petitions were indeed ambitious and on the surface might have appeared selfish. But the fact that “God granted him tha t which he requested” indicates that the glo­ ry of God rather than selfish ag­ grandizement was his real desire. God does not honor unworthy mo­ tives, nor does He answer self- centered prayers. “Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts” (James 4:3). God delight­ ed to honor Jabez because Jabez desired to honor God. “Them that honor me, I will honor” (I Sam. 2:30) is an abiding principle. The fourfold petition of his prayer voiced the aspiration of his heart. He prayed for Divine enlarge­ ment. “Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed.” No ordinary blessing would satisfy him. He yearned for something which sur­ passed any previous experience. God’s ear is always attentive to such a plea, for a true spiritual blessing always ennobles charac­ ter and qualifies to bring greater blessing to others. “And God granted him that which he re­ quested.” He prayed for Divine expan­ sion. “Oh that thou wouldest . . . enlarge my coast.” His primary concern doubtless was for an in­ crease of territory which would bring him greater influence, but it was not for mere personal ag­ grandizement, for God granted his request. His was a God-sanc­ tioned ambition. Would not Carey’s motto be woarthy of our Master — “At­ tempt great things for God. Ex­ pect great things from God” ? God

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