Canyon: How To Overcome Back Pain

Exercise Essentials Try this simple exercise to keep you moving...

Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

DEAD BUG HEEL TOUCHES Relieves lower back Lie on back, hands up, knees up and engage your core. Slowly lower one heel to the ground. Alternate sides. Keep core engaged. Repeat 7 times.



“Finishing an Ironman 140.6 race has been a dream of mine since high school. I was lucky to get the opportunity to compete with my dad in his first Ironman and my uncle, a seasoned competitor. The swimwas a breeze and the bike flew by. However, due to an IT band injury, I never ran more than 10 miles in training and thus struggled a bit on the run. But thanks to helpful tips from the therapists I was able to correct my running form and complete the Ironman injury and pain free, in my goal time!” - Jason, our In-House Ironman

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