ArborTimes Summer 2023

Product & Service Spotlight

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TRACKED LIFTS OMMELIFT 25.00 The new OMMELIFT 25.00 from Tracked Lis was built for chal- lenging terrain. Engineered with high-quality materials, heavy-duty construction and reinforced compo- nents, the OMMELIFT 25.00 ensures strength and stability. Stabilizers al- low the machine to be set up on un- even levels up to 40% (21.8°). Simple and intuitive controls make operator instruction easy and work quicker. The crawler chassis is designed to disperse the machine's weight, re- ducing ground pressure when oper- ating on sensitive surfaces or when the platform is craned into multi-sto- ry buildings where high reach is re- quired but low weight is a necessity. A dual parallelogram articulating riser gives 23 feet up-and-over free clearance and provides vertical wall tracking. Transit length is 22 feet, 7 inches but can be further reduced to 20 feet, 3 inches without the de- tachable basket. The width can be re- duced to just 25 feet. This tracked li features a working height of 82 feet and a side reach of 42 feet, offering versatility and efficiency, minimizing downtime and enabling operators to complete tasks faster and safer.


WOMEN'S TREE CLIMBING WORK- SHOP TM TRAINING PROGRAMS Women’s Tree Climbing Workshop (WTCW) hosts a selection of three-day, immersive tree-climbing workshops in locations across the country, including Colorado, Minnesota, Massachusetts and Michigan. These workshops are designed to round out your arboricul- tural development and include pruning classes and safe chain saw operations. Room is still available in the Minne- sota and Michigan workshops, and scholarships are available for those who qualify. Additional one-day classes with WTCW include chain saw skills, climber aerial rescue, fundamentals of pruning and more.

ACRT’s Arborist Training Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance Handbook provides training to improve safety, knowledge and experience. This 45- page handbook illustrates the safe use of chain saws, allowing the user to maximize the benefits of the tool while minimizing the risks. It includes information on chain saw hazards and protection, parts of a chain saw, chain saw maintenance and inspection, and chain saw operation. This handbook provides helpful insights for anyone who picks up a chain saw — whether it’s on the job or around the house. ArborTIMES subscribers can use promo code SAFETY23 at checkout to save 20%.

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