ArborTimes Summer 2023

Before planting non-native trees, consider a native alternative that can provide the same benefit.

ant role in providing insects as food for birds and such. These trees sup- port more than 150 species of cater- pillars in the eastern U.S., such as the checkered-fringe prominent. Hazelnut, Corylus spp. The hazel- nut is a plant that provides an under- story bush and produces a nut that is edible and sold for production. Best suited for sunny edges, many spe- cies of butterflies and moths develop on the leaves of this plant, like the white-marked tussock moth. Beech, Fagus sp. A lot of people are familiar with trees in the Fagus genus – those beech trees. They support more than 100 insect species in the moth and butterfly classification. A lot of wildlife eat beech nuts – including humans.

There are many other trees and plants out there that have benefits for wild- life. Whether you’re planting, advocat- ing for or simply educating yourself on urban trees, always remember to do your research to find effective species that will promote wildlife diversity and the insects they host. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Matthew Knull is an ISA Certified Ar- borist, a TCIA Certified Treecare Safe- ty Professional, and an arborist train- ing instructor with ACRT. He holds a Bachelor of Science in forestry and natural resources from the University of Georgia.

Beech tree. Photo by cocoparisienneat Pixabay.

Basswood and Linden, Tilia spp. These are an excellent source of pol- len and nectar for pollinators, and the seeds are a favorite among small mammals. They also play an import-


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