Middletons Christmas Brochure

starters Cider apple and onion soup

cheddar cheese croute Smoked salmon mousse beetroot crisps, mushroom ketchup Creamy garlic mushrooms parmesan and Herb crumb, toasted focaccia mains Roast English turkey paupiette cranberry puree, roast potatoes, Brussel sprouts, rich turkey gravy 12-hour wine braised blade of beef onion puree, wild mushrooms, creamy mashed potato, red wine Jus Mushroom and sweet potato pithivier beetroot puree, fondant potato, roast leeks, mushroom Jus All served with maple glazed root vegetables and red cabbage desserts

Chocolate and orange pannacotta candied orange and hazel nut crumb Traditional Christmas pudding brandy sauce British cheese selection quince jelly, celery, grapes, biscuits


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