Kevin Patrick Law - October 2022


2860 Piedmont Road N.E. • Suite 140 Atlanta, Georgia 30305

Inside This Issue 1 3 Ways to Conquer a Fear of Lawyers 2 Why You Should Make an Estate Plan Today

3 Local Pumpkin Patches to Visit

3 How Much Do You Know About Coach Kirby?

Spooky Spaghetti and Eyeballs

4 Age Is Just a Number

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The Man Who Felt 20 Years Younger

Wanted to Legally Change His Age

We’ve all heard about people legally changing their name or gender, but have you ever heard about someone trying to change their legal age? In 2018, a 69-year- old Dutch man named Emile Ratelband petitioned a court for permission to change his age. He wanted to alter the year he was born on his birth certificate by 20 years so he could be 49 years old. So, how did this case end? Let’s find out. WHAT WAS HIS REASONING? Ratelband wanted to change his age because he argued that he felt 20 years younger. He said his doctors told him that he had the body of a younger man, and his health was far better than most men his age. He alleged that he experienced age discrimination because, being 69, he is limited in what he can do. If he were 49, he 4 • KEVINPATRICK.LAW I 404.566.5880

could buy a house and car and work more hours, and his chances on the dating app Tinder would improve if he were younger. WHAT WAS THE COURT’S DECISION? Ratelband’s argument did not convince the district court in the Dutch city of Arnhem. The court said there was no evidence that Ratelband had

Although Ratelband has the freedom to feel 20 years younger, mentally and physically, he cannot legally change his age because of the legal and societal implications that would follow, the court added.

The district court rejected

Ratelband’s request, but he plans to appeal.

In the Netherlands, the public doesn’t take Ratelband’s claims seriously. They even make fun of his international exposure

experienced age discrimination. It stated that, unlike legally changing your name or gender, changing your age

and willingness to provide interviews worldwide to justify his wishes. So what do you think

causes many problems such as the many rights and duties related to age, such as voting, attending school, military obligations, and pension.

of this legal case? Is age just a number? Let us know your thoughts!

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