Mercyhurst Magazine Spring 2013

Alumni Notes

Brandy L. Weber ‘06 married Dave Porter on Oct. 6, 2012, in Sullivan Island, S.C. Brandy is an assistant store manager with Starbucks. Dave is an aerospace engineer

Christopher C. Cofey, Ph.D. ‘77 has been named associate director for science at the National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Kelley Moore Spaeder ‘88 was inducted into the American Cancer Society’s Georgia Achievement Society.

Bryan A. Hurley ‘05 has been named SEC reporting manager in corporate fnance at KeyBank in Cleveland, Ohio. Simon R. Arias ‘05 was honored when the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette named his company, American Income Life’s Arias Agency, as Pittsburgh’s top workplace among small businesses. Jessica M. Verbic ‘06 received her teaching license for Spanish grades K-12 and is teaching at St. Francis DeSales High School in Columbus, Ohio. She is the assistant coach for the school’s cross country and track teams and completed the Columbus Marathon in October. Patrick Garvin ‘11 has been promoted to experienced assistant for the Bonadio Group of Bufalo, N.Y., which provides accounting, consulting and fnancial services. Marriages and Engagements Stephanie Lucas Christenson ‘68 married George Basile on June 16, 2012. Matron of honor was Maureen Milan Carroll ‘68 . Stephanie is a freelance writer/editor and

currently working on projects with Boeing. They plan to move to Toronto in May 2013.

Deborah M. Lang Redlin ‘93 accepted a position as incentive coordinator at Wyndham

Maeve E. Kelly ‘07 married Sean Gavin on June 16, 2012.

Jade, a company that specializes in meeting management and corporate and incentive travel, in Plano, Texas. Dr. Cassandra L. Kuba ‘97 was recently awarded tenure and selected to receive the 2013 Presidential Gala Award for Outstanding Service at California University of Pennsylvania. She is an assistant professor of anthropology. Robert E. Merski ‘99 was appointed to the Saint Vincent Foundation Board of Corporators in November 2012. A special education teacher at Erie’s East High School, he is also serving his frst term on Erie City Council. Martin P. Cannon ‘00 was included in Rochester Business Journal’s “Forty under 40.” He is the director of total compensation at Paychex, Inc. Sgt. Raymond G. Kress ‘00, a SWAT team leader for Nevada County in California, was awarded the Medal of Valor after successfully rescuing a hostage being used as a human shield. Mandy Fies Weaver ‘01 ’ 07 was promoted to supervisor of the foster care, adoption and kinship support team at Ashtabula County Children’s Services in Ohio.

Bradley W. Maxa ‘07 married Shelley Lockhart on April 21, 2012. Andy O’Dell ‘07 was a groomsman . Kristin S. Peterson ‘08 and Matt R. Pierce ‘09 are engaged to be married in November 2013. Alicia Santoliquido ‘08 married Jason McCraw on Nov. 17, 2012, in South Orange, N.J. They live and work in the Washington, D.C., area. Sarah Belotti ‘09 and Sam Smolarek ‘09 are engaged to be married in May 2014. Sam and Sarah reside in Pittsburgh, where Sam serves as a police ofcer of Mt. Lebanon Township and Sarah is pursuing her Master of Public Administration degree at the University of Pittsburgh while working for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Brian Johns ‘10 and Alexandra Miniri ‘10 are engaged and planning their wedding for October 2013 in Bufalo, N.Y.

George retired from Consolidated Edison.

Kevin P. McAteer ‘89 married Shayna Meador on Dec. 24, 2012, in Raleigh, N.C.

Births and Adoptions

Scott Koskoski ‘00 and wife Melissa had a son, Jackson David, on Jan. 21, 2013. He joins siblings Benjamin, Tyler and Olivia.

Aaron May ‘05 is engaged to marry Jennifer Henk in July 2013.

Melissa B. Burke ‘03 has been named a partner of Kenney Shelton Liptak Nowak.

Penelope Lewis ‘06 and Ilmari Niklander ‘07 were married on Oct. 22, 2011. They reside in Finland.

Gregory C. Beato ‘01 and Susan Gonnam Beato ‘01 had a son, Marco Louis, on Oct. 20, 2012.


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