Mercyhurst Magazine Spring 2013

In this issue

The Ofce of Marketing and Public Relations publishes Mercyhurst Magazine twice a year.

Editor Susan Corbran ’73 (814) 824-2090

1 From the president 3 The Brotherhood of the River The Mercyhurst EnduROWthon 6 From the alumni association president 7 Double life Professor’s careers in classroom and in military 9 Playing it safe New tactics in sports injury treatment 11 Sea change: New frontiers for drug research 13 Foundations of a university The Mercyhurst story 15 Spirits of the angry dead Rights activist seeks peace 17 Lakers excel as students and athletes 18 Saints succeed 19 Alumni authors on shelves Books written by ‘Hurst graduates 21 Campus news 24 Alumni relations world tour 25 Alumni notes

Contributing Writers Abby Badach, Susan Corbran ’73, David Leisering ’01, Deborah Morton, Brian Vail

Art Direction/Design Jennifer Cassano (814) 824-3022

Vice President for External Afairs Monsignor David Rubino, Ph.D. (814) 824-3034 Assistant Vice President for Advancement Ryan Palm ’07 Director, Alumni Relations Tamara Walters (814) 824-3350 Class Notes Editor Debra Tarasovitch (814) 824-2392 (800) 845-8568 (814) 824-3320 We’d love to hear from you. Send your story ideas, suggestions and comments to .

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