Mercyhurst Magazine Spring 2013

Belovarac is married to Lee Pitonyak Belovarac, a 1974 Mercyhurst graduate who now teaches in the Walker School of Business. Their son Brian is a Syracuse University graduate now working for Janus Films in New York, and Brendan is finishing a master’s degree at American University and was recently accepted to medical school.

’ Retirement ahead Regulations call for naval reserve ofcers to retire when they hit 60, so this chapter of Belovarac s story

“ closed last summer. There are no similar limits for college professors, but he expects to retire from Mercyhurst at the close of fall term. His retirement years are likely to be anything but relaxing, though. Hes become involved with the unique sport of solo sailing as a member of the Great Lakes Single-Handed Society, open only to sailors who ve completed one of its daunting Great Lakes challenges. ” ’ ’ ’ A single sailor mans the boat 24/7 and must complete the lengthy courses without pulling into port or receiving assistance of any kind. His goal is to fnish a challenge on each of the Great Lakes and he s already completed Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. He hopes to conquer Lake Huron this summer. Last summer he earned the Perseverance Cup, awarded to the solo sailor who copes with the greatest adversity. During his Ontario sail, his spinnaker halyard broke in the middle of the night in 20-knot winds, the self-steering system went out, the toilet holding tank overfowed, and he got caught in a line of squalls. Closer to home, Belovarac wants to get involved again on the volunteer crew of the Brig Niagara. He was part of the frst crew that sailed Niagara in 1991. “I like the smell of tar and sawdust, he explains. “I love it when the ship comes alive and wind flls the sails. ” ” “ ’ It sounds like a demanding schedule, but Belovarac has a simple philosophy. God s given us this time on earth and we ought to take advantage of all the gifts He s put there for us. Or, in words attributed to his hero, Teddy Roosevelt, we need to warm both hands over the fre of life. ’ ” “ ” On land, Belovarac is also a member of the Ski Patrol at Peek ‘ n Peak Ski Resort and continues to pursue advanced training in skiing techniques and in toboggan rescues of injured skiers.


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