King's Business - 1956-12

discovered. The great outstanding leaders in evangelical and evangel­ istic work all over the British Isles, the men and women who have ac­ complished the biggest things for God’s kingdom, in the large major­ ity of cases, were converted under the ministry of D. L. Moody. Scot­ land has never forgotten that re­ markable visitation. The secret, as everyone will admit, was, first and foremost, intercessory prayer. “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much” (James 5:16). Such is God’s esti­ mate of intercessory prayer. The illustration that follows is taken from the ministry of Elijah. How marvelously he made use of the God-appointed method. I think of Elijah as walking around with the key of heaven in his pocket. Taking it out, he places it in the lock of the clouds, turns it, and, lo, the heavens are shut and closed, so that no rain can possibly fall. Three and a half years later he takes the key again from his pocket, puts it in the same lock, turns it, and, lo, the rain falls in torrents. Thus he wielded the mighty weapon of intercession and brought things to pass. Cannot we do the same? Will not the God of Elijah answer us as He answered him? He will if we, too, are willing to pay the price. When prayer becomes agony God will work. When we are dead in earnest things happen. Let us then become intercessors. Let us pray as Elijah. Let us be fervent in our praying. That is what I mean by the agony of prayer. END.

intercessory prayer that for months past had been ascending daily, had suddenly put a great concern upon the people. Thousands became anx-

adopting instead merely natural agencies for the carrying on of His work. Everywhere we look it is the same, both in evangelism and or­ dinary church work. Intercessory prayer has been shelved. For some reason it is out of date. Our meth­ ods, we say, are better, our plans more successful, and so we adopt natural means to bring to pass the supernatural. My brethren, it can never be done. We may appear to be success­ ful, the crowds may come, the altar may be full night after night. Re­ ported results may be broadcast everywhere. Whole cities may be stirred and mightily moved. And yet when it is all over and two or three years have passed, how little will be found to he genuine. And why? Simply because we have been satisfied with a superficial, spectac­ ular work, brought to pass by nat­ ural means. Consequently the truly supernatural has been largely lack­ ing. Oh, then, let us get back to intercessory prayer, the highest form of Christian service, and give God no rest until we have a spir­ itual outcome. When D. L. Moody first visited Edinburgh, Scotland, it was literal­ ly true that within a few days the entire city was stirred to its depths. Not only so, but the whole of Scot­ land was more or less aroused. It was not long until the trains were bringing people into the city to at­ tend the meetings from every part of the country, so tremendous was the interest. What had happened? Why, God, in answer to volumes of

Each morning at eight thej-Bj editorial staff of King's Busi­ ness magazine gat hers for ■ prayer. Over the years God hos onswcred the heartery of thou­ sands. Should you hove a request we would count it a privilege to take it to the ; throne of grace. Your request i v-ill be held in the strictest confidence. Address: The Edi- tors. King's Business, 558 So. \ Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. ious about their spiritual condition, and multitudes were swept into the kingdom. It was one of the great­ est, if not the greatest, outpouring of the Spirit that Scotland has ever seen or known. And now what is the result? Was it a true outcome? I was over in the Old Country a few months ago and this is what I



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