King's Business - 1956-12

B IB L E S T U D Y continued


Hebrew Christians in Palestine and in Europe urgently need your prayers and help during this Christmas season. Believing Jews suffer the reproach of Christ and look to us to help them in their distress. "As soon as I confessed Christ as my Messiah and Saviour my family disowned me and persecution followed,” said one Hebrew Christian. Writing from Palestine another Hebrew Christian said, "My wife and I came to Israel two years ago. We try to bring the salvation of our tme Messiah to all who will hear us. For this we are enduring hardship, persecution and social boycott. We are both undernourished. Our abode consists of a small, one room wooden hut. Please send us

3. Let us not miss the miracle of Paul’s revival, possibly from the dead (v. 20, cf. 2 Cor. 12:1-7). 4. Note the five or six parts in the ministry of the apostle in the cities where he preached (vv. 21-23). Medi­ tate on these things. 5. What was the form of organiza­ tion followed by the apostle in each of the churches he founded? (v. 23.) Look up the office of an elder in your Bible dictionary. (Continued) 1. Meditate on the phrase “which they fulfilled” (v. 26). Also note that they related what God had done with, not what they had done for God (v. 27). 2. What problem arose in the church in Antioch? (15:1.) Note that the matter of the method of salvation for Gentiles is the heart of the prob­ lem. 3. How did Paul and Barnabas take to these false teachers? (v. 2.) 4. What was the outcome of this heated discussion? (v. 2.) 5. Note in the assembly of the Jer­ usalem church there were those who held a mixed doctrine — law and grace (v. 5). Recall that both Romans and Galatians were written to con­ demn this dangerous teaching. Study Questions on Chapter 15 (Continued) 1. What was the general temper of the gathering in Jerusalem? (v. 7.) 2. Follow the order of the meeting — note Peter’s testimony (w . 7-11) and remember that Peter was the apostle to the Jews; therefore, his words would bear weight regarding the complete freedom of the Gentile believer; note the testimony of Paul and Barnabas (v. 12); note the sum­ mary statement of James, the moder­ ator of the meeting (w . 13-21). 3. What is the purpose of God in this dispensation according to James? (w . 13-18.) 4. Wffiy the several prohibitions in verse 20? Note that these have noth­ ing to do with salvation but primarily with the possibility of fellowship among believing Jews and believing Gentiles. 5. What action did the Jerusalem conference take with regard to the important problem before them? (w. Study Questions on Chapters 14 and 15

Rev. Jacob Peltz

essential and sustaining food. May the Lord make you see the position we (Hebrew Christians) are in among thousands of rejectors of the Saviour.” Please help us alleviate the misery and distress of our Lord’s brethren. Help us to shepherd Hebrew Christians and sustain their witness for Christ in Israel and other countries. Gifts are especially needed to sustain the little ones in our Children’s Home, and the elderly in Homes for the Aged. Please send your Christmas offering soon, remembering the words of our Lord, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Address your letter to: THE INTERNATIONAL HEBREW CHRISTIAN ALLIANCE Rev. Jacob Peltz, B.D., Ph.B., Secretary U.S.A. Canada 5630-K No. Campbell Awe., Chicago 45, III. 91-K Bellevue Ave., Toronto, Ontario

360 million Indians need your prayers! Training national workers is a sound investment; $10 a month pro­ vides board and room for one student at the Hindustan Bible Institute in Madras, India. WE TRAIN NAT IONAL M ISSIONARIES IN IND IA For more complete information, write: H i n d u s t a n B i b l e I n s t i t u t e P.O. Box 2815, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles 54, Calif.

N. Paul V. Gupta General Director

A brand new plan for K.B. — see page 27


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