King's Business - 1956-12


B IB L E S T U D Y continued

STUDIES IN EXODUS By George Henderson (F.R.G.S., M.R.S.L.) Mr. Henderson is an out­ standing Bible teacher and writer. His books have blessed thousands in Britain. S. Africa and America. Price $2.00 OTHER BOOKS BY MR. HENDERSON (Under Pen Name of Henry Durbanville)

Study Questions on Chapter 16 (Continued) 1. How did the girl’s masters react to Paul’s delivering their victim from the power of the devil? (vv. 19-21.) 2. What happened to Paul and Silas following their miracle? (w . 22-24.) Why do you think God per­ mits such things? 3. Were Paul and S i l a s b i t t e r against the Lord for allowing this turn of events? (v. 25.) 4. How did God vindicate His serv­ ants? (v. 26.) 5. Does the incident of verses 27- 34 give any clue as to why God worked in the manner recorded in this chapter? Study Questions on Chapter 16 (Continued) 1. What question did the jailor ask? (v. 30.) What does this question indicate? 2. How did Paul answer the ques­ tion? (v. 31.) Explain the phrase, “and thy house” (v. 31). 3. How did it come that the jailor’s whole house was saved? (v. 32.) 4. What were the evidences that the jailor had experienced true con­ version? (vv. 33, 34.) 5. Why did Paul insist on being set free by the proper authorities? (vv. 35-39.) (Continued) 1. What amazing statement is given in 16:40? Wouldn’t you sup­ pose that the apostle and Silas would be the ones to receive comfort? 2. Trace the journey of the mis­ sionary team as given in 17:1. 3. Where did Paul usually preach upon arrival in a new city? (w . 1, 2 .) 4. What was the apostle’s textbook for preaching? (v. 2.) How did he use the Bible? 5. What did he seek to prove from the Scriptures? (v. 3.) What was the order of his argument? (v. 3.) Study Questions on Chapter 17 (Continued) 1. What was the result of Paul’s teaching and preaching? (v. 4.) Study Questions on Chapters 16 and 17

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