King's Business - 1956-12


“E V E R Y B O D Y g e t s t o k n o w the Bible

in bur Sunday Schoo l C lasses! W e u s e ASSU LESSON HELPS!”

Object Lessons

Elmer L. Wilder, Th.D.

Caleb had the privilege of choosing and he chose a mountain rather than a fertile valley. It was more difficult to conquer the enemies there and he wanted a hard task. In Judges 1:20 we read, “And they gave Hebron unto Caleb, as Moses said: and he expelled thence the three sons of Anak.” I think you will agree with me that the small pencil which has served its master so faithfully should receive the blue ribbon. As you and I serve Christ faithfully, we too like Caleb, wall receive a reward. OBJECTS: A ball of string and a piece of black cardboard on which the word “sin” is printed. (Unwind sev­ eral yards of string and tangle it. Wrap some of the string around the black cardboard, and hide the card in the tangled string.) LESSON: This string is badly tangled, isn’t it? In looking at it, I am re­ minded of the lives of individuals and nations which get badly tangled, like the string. If we examine this string, perhaps we can find out why people get their lives in a tangle. This little Dec. 9, 1956 T h e T e a c h in g T a n g l e

Dec. 2, 1956 A P r iz e P e n c i l


OBJECTS: Two pencils, one new and unsharpened and the other very short, and a blue ribbon. LESSON: Which one of the pencils do you think is the prizewinner and should receive this blue ribbon? “The long one.” I thought you would say the' long one but you are wrong. Prizes are given for achievements. This long pencil looks pretty but it has never done anything. We will have to tie the ribbon on the short pencil because it has been used a great deal by its owner.

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In looking at these two pencils, I am r eminded of Caleb, Joshua’s friend. You will recall that he, to­ gether with Joshua, went into the land of Palestine to spy it out and to see whether it was safe for the chil­ dren of Israel to enter. He and Joshua returned saying, “. . . Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it” (Num. 13:30). The other 10 spies who had gone with them were filled with fear and ad­ vised the children of Israel not to enter the land. Because the children of Israel obeyed the advice of the 10, they had to stay in the wilderness for a total of 40 years. God remembered the faith of Caleb and saw to it that he received a re­ ward for his faith. When the children of Israel finally entered the land, they were given various parts of the land.

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card with the word “sin” on it gives us the answer. Sin is hidden in every tangled life. This is what happened to the chil­ dren of Israel in the days of the judges. In Judges 2:13, 14 we read, “And they forsook the L o r d , and served Baal and Ashtaroth. And the

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