A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Innovative, action-oriented, committed: these are key characteristics of people who are engaged in the world around them. Throughout this issue of Mercyhurst Magazine , we highlight examples of our students, faculty, staf and alumni who epitomize engagement as they infuence a better world through education, leadership and service. our cyber and data science programs and, in time we hope, segue into local jobs and future investment in our city.
In this issue, we’ve taken a look at some of our young alumni, who have parlayed their Mercyhurst education
In the 24 months since I assumed the Mercyhurst presidency, I have been witness to a highly engaged community—individuals who, through their discretionary efort, contribute in diverse ways to the well-being and success of our university. Our people are the common denominator in the health of our institution and, clearly, our alumni are reaping the rewards and delivering on them. Our cover story casts the spotlight on Christina Carbone Marsh ‘88, chief community and economic development ofcer at Erie Insurance, who is part of a growing network of business, community and academic leaders intent on transforming downtown Erie into a vibrant and thriving region. What resonated with me more than anything else was Marsh saying that the Mercy charism isn’t far from her thoughts when doing the work she does. “I do feel, when we do this work in the community, that we are keeping a compassionate eye on our community members,” she said. “I think that is something I learned from being at Mercyhurst. Having a servant heart guides me in the diverse experiences I’ve had in my career and in life.” In her role with Erie Insurance, Christina supports her alma mater in its leadership of the Downtown Erie Innovation District, which you’ll be hearing more about in the near future. Clearly, in creating opportunities for the growth and vitality of our university, we are further empowering our town-and-gown relationship. Together, we hope to do great things. As you peruse your magazine, do check out the story on new developments in our Ridge College of Intelligence Studies and Applied Sciences. Not only have we hired three high-profle faculty leaders, but we have received a $1 million investment from Cleveland-based national technology company MCPc to build a cybersecurity lab and operations center in Hammermill Library, a move intended to accelerate
into successful careers in short order. You’ll also read about signifcant changes in the way we manage our Mercyhurst Institute for Arts & Culture, intended to bring in top names while, at the same time, making performances accessible to broader audiences. And, speaking of accessibility, please see a series of vignettes on how Mercyhurst North East provides life-altering opportunities to a diverse and engaged student body. I am so grateful to all the people of Mercyhurst for their commitment to our mission, and I would like to take this opportunity to particularly thank our alumni. Through your engagement with your alma mater, we yield global perspectives that infuence our curriculum, internships, jobs and robust learning experiences.
Pride in our afliation with Mercyhurst drives our forward progress, innovation and success. Your engagement in our future is essential.
Until next time, Carpe Diem .
Michael T. Victor, J.D., LL.D. President, Mercyhurst University
ON THE COVER: Christina Carbone Marsh ’88 is pictured in her ofce at the Erie Insurance Group. Now the company’s chief community and economic development ofcer, she draws inspiration for her work from the Don W. Lord oil painting of the City of Erie that hangs behind her. Photo by Jeremy Hewitt ’07. Read more about Marsh on page 14.
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