PEG Magazine - Summer 2017


Self-Nominating Process Begins Now

Serving on Council is one of the most important volunteer opportunities APEGA offers. If this challenging, rewarding, and fulfilling commitment is for you, now is the time to make your decision — the search for candidates to run in the 2018 APEGA Election starts now. Members seeking election must submit their nominations in time to be considered by APEGA’s Nominating Committee. Nominations close Friday, September 29 , but you should get to work now. Strong preparation will give you the best chance of being endorsed by the Nominating Committee and elected by your peers. Details here and over the next five pages provide the basics of what you’ll need to prepare a nomination and what a Council commitment requires. Full information appears online at and in a special nomination area of the Member Self-Service Centre, accessible through the website. The self-nominating period begins Monday, July 10, 9 a.m. APEGA no longer accepts paper nominations. Instead, we accept them electronically through the Member Self-Service Centre. You’ll need to prepare a variety of materials, some mandatory and some not. The APEGA Nominating Committee is charged with ensuring recommended candidates represent a strong combination of attributes for good governance and succession. Through its own networks, the committee searches for potential candidates to endorse. It also draws upon self-nominated candidates. Before the election, the committee arrives at its list of candidates — Members the committee has decided are willing, suitable, and available for Council governance and succession. Names of all qualified and properly nominated candidates will appear on the 2018 ballot, regardless of whether they receive the Nominating Committee’s endorsement. Every year, at least four Professional Members are elected to Council. Members also choose a President-Elect and a Vice-President each year. With

Potential Candidates’ Key Dates & Times Self-Nominating Begins

Self-Nominating Closes

4:30 pm


the President and the immediate Past-President, they will lead Council on the APEGA Executive Committee. Not including the Executive Committee, Council is made up of 12 Professional Members and up to three public members appointed by the Government of Alberta. APEGA must receive nominations by Friday, September 29, 2017 , at 4:30 p.m. That allows time for nominations to reach the Nominating Committee 180 days before the next APEGA Annual General Meeting, on Friday, April 20, 2018 , as APEGA’s bylaws require. Once the Member Self-Service Centre begins accepting nominations on July 10, each potential nominee will be able to go in and out of the site to develop his or her nomination in draft, before finalizing it and clicking submit. Once submit is clicked, the nomination is final and locked from changes. The collection of signatures takes place digitally, which makes it easier for potential nominees in areas without a large pool of Members in their local network. APEGA runs background checks on all potential nominees, a term you will need to accept during the electronic nomination process. Also, two or more Members of the Nominating Committee will, as a panel, interview each nominee to review the information provided. Interview results become part of the committee’s process in deciding who to endorse.

SUMMER 2017 PEG | 21

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