Mercyhurst Magazine Spring 2018

” “In our class, the residents kiddingly called us dirty old day hops and we retaliated by calling them dirty old dorm students. We really did get along very well with each other and I always felt like we were a very close class. We had a lot of laughs and made some lifelong friends. - Jane Carney “I didn t have those dorm experiences and rules and regulations of the nuns that the resident students did, but I probably spent more time on campus than most commuters because I was in the work-study program. We played a lot of pinochle in the day hop lounge in the basement of Old Main. There were Gannon dances every Friday night. Mary Patalon Schaaf ’ ” – “During my frst week of school I met another day hop who dragged me to the college bulletin board on the second foor of Old Main (this is where we all left notes for each other and you ” checked it every day). She signed me up for everything. Because of that I got to know so many girls from all diferent classes and really felt a part of college life, even though I was a dirty old day hop! I thank Georgina Cantoni for that. - Jane Carney “ We had a day hop lounge that was located on the lower level of Old Main. We would meet there to discuss the day s classes, socialize, or some played cards there. Another gathering spot where some of the Erie girls would meet for lunch was in a snack bar in McAuley Dorm. It was here that friendships were formed and those friends have remained some of my closest friends today. - Gretchen Hinz Brugger Faculty memories ‘ ’ ’ ” ” “Sister Carolyn hired several young male professors at the beginning of our freshman year. They had newly minted graduate degrees, were just married and began their academic careers at Mercyhurst. They were enthusiastic, their lectures were riveting and their energy created a great vibe throughout campus. - Linda Salem Burtis “Bill Garvey and Dick Kubiak really infuenced my career. I was honored to participate in Bill Garvey s fnal publication on Erie s Mayors. Sue Sutto Through the work-study program, I was ’ ’ ” – “ ’ assistant to Sister Angelica, which opened up the world of art to me. I was Dr. Garvey s secretary. My mentor was Sister Mary Celine, who basically invented a precursor to computer language. She

- was a wonderful mentor and friend and teacher to me. Sr. Mary Charles, Sr. Mary Matthew, all the faculty gave me the confdence to pursue my seize-the day moments. Mary Patalon Schaaf “I am confdent that the infux of male ” – instructors was due to the impending change to coed. I did enjoy the perspective that the male professors brought to our learning ” - environment. I believe it created an atmosphere that challenged our learning in a positive way. Stephanie Lucas Basile ‘ “I was an El Ed major and had the luck of the Irish to be taught by the best: Dr. Garvey, Dr. Bryan, Mr. Lincourt, Mr. McAndrew, Sister Matthew among others. Through my life I have thought of them, been mindful of what they taught and tried to incorporate their teachings in my life. - Peggy Meagher Pietraszek ’ ” ” - “I had such knowledgeable teachers and when I think of how many of them were Ph.D.s and not graduate assistants like in the bigger schools, I feel I really benefted from their experience and knowledge. Mother Eustace was head of the English department and my major professor. When I started as a freshman I was scared to death of her but I came to really like and admire her. She was just so smart and knew so much plus she was a very compassionate person. Jane Carney

Jeanne Keim Phillips At one point, Jeanne was one of three Keim girls at Mercyhurst. After teaching for a year in Millcreek, Jeanne married her high school sweetheart, Carmen Phillips. When he fnished his military service, they returned to Erie and she taught again in Millcreek until taking a break to raise her three children. She returned to teaching part time as a math teacher with the Intermediate Unit, assigned to St. Luke School, for 17 years before taking a full-time job with the Erie School District. She loved teaching and stayed until retiring fve years ago. Now she’s an active volunteer with Blessed Sacrament Church and School and walks four miles every day with a group of friends. Carmen is also retired and they enjoy traveling to visit their seven grandchildren. Jeanne served so long and well on the Mercyhurst Alumni Association board that she earned emeritus status and this year will receive a Distinguished Alumni Award for service to Mercyhurst.

Gretchen Hinz Brugger Gretchen graduated with a degree in Home Economics education and began teaching at Venango Christian in Oil City, Pennsylvania. After her frst year of teaching, she married John Brugger and then taught at McDowell High School. She became a stay-at-home mom while raising three children. When her youngest was in high school she returned to work part time as a grocery store home economist, supervising and planning fundraising dinners for organizations. Now she spends retirement traveling with her husband, playing bridge, volunteering at her parish, and attending the sporting events of her eight grandchildren.


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