Right: Lori Kaveney and Daniel Leonard Hurst is a tradition Bottom Row: Left: Jim and Lisa Staford Kaveney Therese Clark Ciesa, Patty Clark Thornton, Colleen Clark Radtke for McCabe family Right: Bill Kaveney
Top Row: Left: Rosemary McCabe Kaveney, Mary Therese (Tweetie) McCabe Clark, Sister Joan McCabe, RSM Middle: Suzanne Kaveney Iacobucci, Cathleen Kaveney Dolansky, Joanne Kaveney Samsel.
Middle: The Clark family: (clockwise from center) Bill, Debbie, Mom Mary Therese (Tweetie), Mary
Jim Kaveney ‘96 likes to brag that he’s part of the largest Mercyhurst family ever – and he makes a pretty strong case. The tradition started with his mom, Rosemary McCabe Kaveney, a 1954 Mercyhurst alumna, and two of her sisters, Mary “Tweetie” McCabe Clark, who graduated in 1952, and Sister Joan McCabe, RSM ’63. The Sisters of Mercy helped all three girls fnish high school and attend college after the untimely deaths of both their parents. Rosemary studied education and taught for many years in the Erie Public Schools. Tweetie majored in business. And Joan entered the Sisters of Mercy while still in high school. After graduating from Mercyhurst in business, she went on to nursing school. Today she runs the health care facility at the Sisters of Mercy Motherhouse. Rosemary and her late husband, James, had nine children and fve of them graduated from Mercyhurst: Joanne Kaveney Samsel ’81 (a nurse); Bill Kaveney ’88 (director of national accounts for a pharmaceutical company); Mary Cathleen Kaveney Dolansky ’93 (a teacher with the Erie School District); Suzanne Kaveney Iacobucci ’96 (a surgical nurse practitioner); and James Kaveney ’96 (president of Alkemy Partners). Jim’s wife, Lisa Staford Kaveney, is a Mercyhurst grad, Class of 1997, and earned a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership in 2002. She and Jim co-own Alkemy Partners, which provides training and development for pharmaceutical and biotech companies.
And even two of Jim’s brothers who didn’t come to the Hurst have connections here. Jef Kaveney’s wife, Lori, has worked for 13 years in Mercyhurst’s Learning Diferences Program, a job she took over from Tom Kaveney’s wife, Lisa. Not to be outdone, Tweetie and her late husband, William Clark, sent four of their fve kids to Mercyhurst in the 1980s. Patricia Clark Thornton, William Clark, Colleen Clark Radtke and Mary Therese Clark Ciesa all studied hospitality management or business, and all have enjoyed long careers in the hotel industry. Patricia is in sales with Marriott-Orlando; William is director of fnance at Hilton Columbus Downtown; Colleen has been with Marriott International for 33 years; and Mary Theresa also works at Marriott in account sales. Bill also met his wife, Suzanne Kozlowski Clark, at Mercyhurst. While none of the cousins’ children have come to Mercyhurst (yet), another relative did enroll recently: Daniel Leonard, a sophomore whose mother is a frst cousin to the McCabe sisters. Just inside Mercyhurst’s front gates stands a lamppost inscribed to commemorate the family’s special relationship with the school and with the Sisters of Mercy: “McCabe-Kaveney Light the Way.” “We’ve been indebted to the sisters for ages because of their care and compassion,” Jim says.
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