Like many other businesses today, Parts Authority seeks to grow its business while simultaneously shrinking its environmental impact. Fortunately, we have two advantages as we pursue this two-pronged goal. The �rst is that our innovations and investments in enhancing operational e�ciency often provide parallel bene�ts in mitigating our e�ects on the environment. Our second advantage is that the core of our business – extending the lives of automobiles – delivers considerable environmental bene�ts by helping people reduce their vehicles’ lifetime carbon intensity. We de�ne “the planet” in a way that reaches beyond the natural environment near our operating locations. As you would guess, we embrace recycling, reusing and repurposing resources, and try to reduce reliance on virgin raw materials when possible. We believe that our company’s output – auto parts provided to professionals who repair and optimize the performance of millions of cars – has the potential to in�uence global environmental processes such as climate change. [see for example “A generalized framework for analyzing car lifetime e�ects on stock, �ow, and carbon footprint” by Yuya Nakamoto and Shigemi Kagawa ] In this year’s report, we are pleased to have expanded some of our reporting, including more details and data on our recycling e�orts, as well as �gures related to reducing paper use in our o�ces.
Energy management for Parts Authority encompasses fuel consumption and purchased electricity consumption at each of our warehouses and stores in 2022 and fuel consumption in all leased and directly owned delivery vehicles and corporate vehicles during the same year. For 2022, our energy management calculations do not cover upstream or downstream third-party suppliers or distributors. We have started the process of reporting our greenhouse gas emissions. We have identi�ed Scope 1 emissions: those produced directly at our locations or in delivery vehicles; and Scope 2 emissions: indirect production of emissions through purchase of electricity. ENERGY MANAGEMENT - RETAIL AND DISTRIBUTION Beginning in 2021, using data provided by our regional managers, we identi�ed areas of ine�ciency at our distribu - tion centers and began a series of energy-e�cient upgrades such as: replacing �uorescent lighting across 32 distribution centers with energy-e�cient LED bulbs, prioritizing loca - tions with the oldest light �xtures. In addition to a lower carbon footprint, this is helping us reduce our exposure to �uctuating energy prices. gas and diesel vehicles leased or owned by Parts Authority and are further discussed under Managing Emissions. Based on this information, we arrived at preliminary Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions for all �eet vehicles and all locations in 2022, as shown in the �gures below. We estimate that in 2022 our continuing program of replacing traditional lights with LED lights saved up to 2.5 million kWh. More information on energy management can be found under our SASB Disclosures Index. We gathered data on natural gas and electricity usage. Estimates of fuel usage have been collected for all 3,620
14 Sustainability Report 2023: The Composition of a Responsible Organization
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