Materials Efficiency – Remanufactured Auto Parts Value for Vehicle Owners, Environmental Bene�ts for the World Alternators and Starters: Sustainability’s Dynamic Duo Globally, more than a billion cars use traditional internal combustion engines, which means they employ two essential parts: a starter and an alternator . A starter draws on battery power temporarily to “crank up” a car’s engine until it can operate under its own, fuel-generated power. An alternator also works in concert with the car’s battery, producing the power required for the vehicle’s electrical components. Remanufacturing a starter or alternator has the potential to greatly reduce energy and natural resource use, when compared to manufacturing a new part. For example, according to one of our suppliers, Motorcar Parts of America (MPA): A NEW STARTER Requires 10 times the energy and 9 times the materials to produce than a remanufactured one. A NEW ALTERNATOR Requires 7 times the energy and 8 times the materials to produce than a remanufactured one.
Reman: How It Works Auto parts remanufacturing companies adhere to rigorous quality processes to help ensure that the resulting parts meet or exceed OEM speci�cations. Here’s how MPA describes its remanufacturing process:
• Core Sorting and Breakdown – All cores are disassembled and sorted based on application family; key components are gathered for the next phase. • Component Testing and Validation – All key components are validated and tested to ensure they meet OE speci�cations; once they pass this phase, they are used for remanufacturing.
• Sub-Assembly Production and Testing – Component parts are put together as part of the complete unit assembly; the parts are then validated and tested to ensure they meet OE speci�cations. • Complete Unit Assembly and Testing – Final assembly is undertaken; all end-of-line units are tested before they are placed in a box for distribution.
By instituting environmentally friendly practices company-wide, MPA has achieved a number of signi�cant results: • Saving 64,536 tons of materials in �scal year 2022 • Recycling 4,000 tons of water each year • Reusing 5,000 tons of cardboard and 16,000 tons of metal Positive outcomes such as these have prompted Parts Authority to partner with companies like MPA and others for whom remanufacturing and environmental sustainability are a priority.
25 Sustainability Report 2023: The Composition of a Responsible Organization
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