

Team Member Fundraising A Vertical Sprint to Help Others Breathe Climbing stairs makes for great exercise. But it’s an even more rewarding activity when you climb hundreds of stairs – all at once – to support a vitally important health initiative.

Stairs and eager volunteer climbers were the centerpieces of the Fight For Air Climb New York City, which was held in March 2023 at PENN1 Tower in the heart of Manhattan. The event is one of many that the American Lung Association holds nationally each year to demonstrate the importance of good lung health and to raise funds to help free the world from lung disease.

One hearty and committed climber at the event was Joel Horvath, who is a territory sales manager at Parts Authority’s Store #1 in Queens, New York. Joel joined with his wife, Diane, and others on Team Parts Authority to make the vertical trip up the 55-foot tower’s 1,210 stairs. Joel completed the challenging ascent at a very fast pace: He placed sixth

overall among 318 runners, and placed �rst among men in his age category. Parts Authority contributed to the American Lung Association on behalf of Joel and Team Parts Authority and also provided them with customized t-shirts (see photo) for the climb. Business Ethics and Personal Conduct The successful business operation and reputation of the Company is built upon the principles of fair dealing and ethical conduct of our team members. Our reputation for integrity and excellence requires careful observance of the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous regard for the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity. The continued success of the Company is dependent upon our customers’ trust and we are dedicated to preserving that trust. Team members owe a duty to the Company and its customers to act in a way that will merit continued trust and con�dence of the public. In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, guides our team members when making di�cult decisions. In addition to the policies set forth in the team member handbook, the following basic principles guide the conduct of all team members: • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations. • Perform all aspects of their jobs with honesty, fairness, integrity, pride, trust and loyalty. • Embrace di�erences, including individual perspectives and experiences.

Sustainability Report 2023: The Composition of a Responsible Organization


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