Focus On Neck Pain To Relieve Headaches
Headaches are unfortunately quite common andcanbecausedbymultiple things including sustainedposturalstresses,prolongedmuscle tension, stress, food sensitivity, low or high blood sugar, low or high blood pressure, dehydration, types of light, loud noises, and certain smells. Diagnosing different types of headaches can be challenging because the symptoms are often very similar. Two types of headache can be significantly helped through physical therapy as well as various self-treatment strategies: tension headache and cervicogenic headache, or a headache that is referred from the neck. Many people think that headaches are “normal,” and often resort to over-the- counter medications such as pain relievers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications to manage their symptoms.
can help identify the driver or drivers behind your specific situation and help you develop strategies for resolvingandmanaging it.Often, somehands-on treatment includingsoft tissue and joint mobilization and sometimes dry needling can significantly reduce or alleviate your symptoms in the matter of just a few treatments. If you are having headaches on a regular basis, you don’t need to let this become your “normal.” Come see us today for an evaluation and get back to your life. And remember, you do not need a physician referral to see us for the first 30 days of care!
However, even though headaches are “common,” they are not exactly “normal,” especially if you are having them on a consistent basis. Medications can carry substantial health risks and side effects that may not even manifest for several years, especially when used incorrectly and for prolonged periods of time. The most common and significant side effects frompainmedicationsandNSAIDsare stomach issues and ulcers, cardiovascular issues, and liver problems. Tensionandcervicogenicheadachesareoften simply the result of an underlying issue such as sustained postural stress, joint mobility restrictions, muscle tension from physical or emotional stress, or general deconditioning. A thorough physical therapy assessment
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