

Since theyareconsideredtobe thegrass-

people is often in the ear of the beholder -

roots level of government, municipal

those who are more bothered are those who

councils routinely deal with a wide range

object to the project in the first place on other

of issues.

grounds. Thosewhobenefit are lessbothered.

In many cases, as we all know, the

“Communities must be better integrated

solution isoften theapplicationof goodold

into the management and benefits of wind

common sense, or the Golden Rule. As we

power projects,” said Kristopher Stevens,

all know, if everyone was kind and

Executive Director of the Ontario Sustainable

respectful to everyone else, therewould be

EnergyAssociation. “Ultimately, community

Power to the people?

a lot less strife in the world.

acceptance will determine whether or not

Barking dogs, loose cats, loose

Ontario remains a leader in clean energy, or

installations will have on adjacent property

But, if the pundits are correct, a major shift

neighbours, loud music, loud shirts – they

whether we let other jurisdictions take the

owners who will be in extremely close

invoterpreferencemustoccur this summer

can all create tension.

investment and jobs away from us.”

proximity to such proposed solar systems.”

if the Liberals are to retain power.

Goodfencesmakegoodneighbours. But

The line about “community acceptance”

Those who oppose the Liberals’ green

Speakingofpoliticiansandhot air,wind

what good is a fence when the neighbour

gives the impression average folks actually


turbines continue to whip up emotions.

has just installedanoutdoorwood-burning

have aword in the future course of the energy

that the State has no business on the roof

To date, solar, not wind, has dominated

furnace, and you are being smoked out by

debate. But, why is it, when you observe this

tops or in the yards of law-abiding, tax-

renewable energy ventures in our part of


maelstrom of real and imagined fears, you

paying citizens. If a person is breaking no

the world. This trend is encouraging

That is why many municipalities have

often feel powerless?

laws, heor she canplacepanelswherever he

because, despite their drawbacks, solar

enacted regulations on such installations,

or she prefers.

panels are wonderful when compared to

to ensure that smoke fromexterior burners

Dalco employees

But this element of the ongoing green


do not get in the eyes of neighbours.

debate may soon be moot because if Tim

your head at that assertion, you arewrong,


Hudak and his Conservatives are elected in

accordingto BlowingSmoke:CorrectingAnti-

to the attention of our municipal

among creditors

October, the green energy movement in

Wind Myths in Ontario, a study that


Ontario will be pretty much fried.

concludes wind turbines are just fine. (By

the green energy movement.

Public opinion polls show that Premier

the way, wind generation could be worth

The “Not In My Front Yard” cry is


Dalton McGuinty will be toast in the fall

as much as $2.3 trillion globally.)

reverberating across Ontario as more and

primarilybecause of taxes andenergy costs.

A new report “corrects the

more people hop on the renewable energy

Hydro is a hot-button issue, obviously.

misinformation being promoted by anti-

band wagon.

About 20 Dalco Concept employees are

This shot was fired by the Ontario

wind activists aroundOntario” and “finds

Want to get things sizzling around the

without jobs, and large sums of unpaid

Conservatives, issued on one of the hottest

that study after study around the world

barbecue this summer? Mention green

wages, after the Hawkesbury firm went

days of the year: “Dalton McGuinty’s

has concluded that there is no scientific

energy. Everyone has an opinion on this

into receivership earlier this month.

mandatory smart meter taxmachines mean

basis for claims about health impacts from

topic.Make sure tohave a fire extinguisher

Production at the Tupper Street factory

many Ontario families face a frightening

wind power projects, and that wind power

handy because the temperature can really

stopped in early July after the company was

choice today – paying skyrocketing energy

is both technicallyviable andhas economic

rise when you mix politics, energy and

forced into receivership. One former worker,

rates to turn their air conditioners on or

and environmental benefits for Ontario.”

barbecue sauce.

who has found a job elsewhere, relates that

sweating it out.” And blasted M.P.P. Joyce

”There is a tremendous amount of fear-

A resolution is being circulated to

former employeesareowedseveral thousand

Savoline, “Itwill be sohot today that Dalton

mongering going on right nowabout wind


dollars. Employees, some of whom have

McGuinty’s mandatory smart meter tax

power inOntario,” saidAdamScott,Green

asked to support a call for measures to

worked at Dalco for as long as 25 years, were

machines gouging Ontario families in the

Energy ProgramManager, Environmental


notified a few weeks ago that the employer

middle of the day are going to make more

Defence. “This report aims to introduce

devices do not disturb the neighbours.


money for the government today than the

some real facts into the debate so that

One of the demands is that regulations

DalcopresidentNormanSpencer has refused

slots at the casinos.”

communities can make well informed


to comment. In the past, the firm, whose sales

Andwho says Tories do not have a sense

decisions about wind projects.”

not be installed in front yards. The

were once listed at over $1million, employed

of humour?

The study cites other studies that show

resolution notes that, while supporting

about 45 employees. Dalco manufactured

Sure, the Liberals could counter that

that with setbacks, wind power projects

green energy, municipalities also ought to

frameless glass andwood store fixtures, such


make as much sound as background noise

be “sensitive regarding the impact such

as show cases and shelving.



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