
The convergences: Vision may be ready by 2013

Three vying for Liberal nod S T -I SIDORE Three candidates are in the running for the Glengarry-Prescott-Russell Liberal nomination which will be decided at a meeting to held August 10 in St-Isidore. Those seeking the nod are former Cambridge Township mayor Gerry Bertrand, North Glengarry Mayor Grant Crack, andCasselmanMayorClaudeLevac. They are hoping to succeed M.P.P. Jean- Marc Lalonde who is stepping down after 17 years at Queen’s Park. Jean Lemay, president of the Conseil scolaire de district catholique de l’Est de l’Ontario, had expressed an interest in the nomination but he has since withdrawn from the race. The two other main parties have already chosen their representatives for theOctober 6 election. Marilissa Gosselin carries the Conservative banner while Bonnie Jean- Louis is running for the New Democrats. The Liberals have held the provincial riding since 1981. In the 2007 election, Lalonde was re- elected with 24,525, or 60 per cent of all ballots cast. Conservative candidate Denis Pommainville received 11,018, or 27 per cent, Green Party candidate Karolyne Pickett, 2,348, or 5.8 per cent, NDP hopeful JoséeBlanchette, 2,301, or 5.7per cent,while Family Coalition member Vicky Gunn got 339 votes. H AWKESBURY

the job. The town has agreed to “deviate from the purchasing policy by not asking public tenders because of the unique and innovative aspect of the strategic planning presented by the Consortium CeRTIT- LabMit-The Encune (Cegep de l’Outaouais, Université du Québec en Outaouais.)” One of the consortiumpartners, LabMIT – Laboratoire de modélisation et d’intelligence territorial –has suggested that as part of the consultation process, focus groups of about 20 people be organized in the fall. A plan is the first step towards Hawkesbury realizing its full potential, observes Berthiaume, who is also chair of the Prescott-Russell economic development committee. One of the guides for the Hawkesbury planningexerciseswillbethelatesteconomic development report prepared for the counties. Convergences The strategy identifies two key areas of interest, one focused on strategic economic convergence, and the second on opportunities for creative placemaking. The report’s chapters on strategic economic convergence describe the coming together of three key economic sectors (agriculture, manufacturing and the broad transportation, logistics and warehousing sector), areas of traditional strength in the local economy where areas of overlap are creating a highly compelling value proposition for Prescott-Russell which may be used to attract new investment, anchor the growth of existing businesses, and position new entrepreneurs for significant success. The analysis of this convergence areapoints to specific opportunities in fields such as: · biomaterials, biofuels and bioproducts · green industries and alternative energy production · food processing · logistics and distribution. The secondarea of convergence explored is the area of creative placemaking, where strengths in agriculture and significant environmental assets are linked with recreation,cultureandtourismopportunities to define a newly emerging aspect of economic potential in Prescott-Russell. This areaof convergence explores thepotential of significant new tourism developments, but also looks to continuously improving local quality of life and quality of place to better retain existing residents, workers and talent whilesimultaneouslyattractingnewcreative and knowledge workers to the region. Specificopportunitiesandactivitiesexplored in this portion of the strategy include agritourism, ecotourism, culinary tourism, festivals and events, and educational opportunities.

The self-imposed 100-day deadline for Hawkesbury Mayor René Berthiaume’s development vision has long since passed. If all goes well, a blueprint for the long- termgrowthof the townmaybe completed by the spring of 2013. But it should be well worth the wait, says Berthiaume. During his successful mayoralty campaignin2010,Berthiaumepromisedthat, 100 days after being sworn in, he would present the new council’s “visionary and strategic plan.” Obviously, that schedule has not been respected by town council. The town hopes tobegin theprocessofpreparing the strategy in September and complete it byApril, 2013. Money has been a concern. In a recent resolution, council mandated the administration to seek out federal and provincial funds to cover 100 per cent of the project. Council has been so impressed by a proposal presented by a consortiumthat the town will not be calling public tenders on Another busy construction year H AWKESBURY This is already shaping up to be another busy year on Hawkesbury’s construction scene. As of the endofMay, the townhad issued 96 permits for work with a total estimated value of $7,051,150. At the same time in 2010, themunicipalityhad issued99permits for projects worth $4,782,350, according to figures compiled by chief building official Jean-Claude Miner. The bulk of the work to date has been concentrated in the commercial and industrial sectors. So far, the townhas issued 22 permits for $2.6 million in commercial jobs, and four permits for work valued at $1,590,000. In the first four months, the town issued permits for 16 new residential units worth $559,000 and 66 permits for residential additions and repairs valued at $1,024,650. In 2010, the town issued 255 permits for work with a total estimated value of $19,905,350.

Photo Richard Mahoney These birds at Confederation Parkwill be squawking if the town of Hawkesbury adopts a by-law preventing people from feeding “pest” birds. Town eyes animal lover curbs H AWKESBURY Animal lovers could soon be in trouble if they feed wild creatures and certain species of “pest” birds in Hawkesbury. Skunks, feral catsandpigeonsareamong the beneficiaries of well-meaning people who feed non-domesticated animals in Hawkesbury. However,outofconcernaboutthespread of disease and property damage, town council isweighing themeritsof aproposed new by-law designed to put more teeth in the municipal animal control regulations. A draft policy was presented at a recent council session, however, citing the need for more study, Councillor Johanne Portelance moved to table the issue, quashing any further discussion until the next meeting. If the new controls are adopted, a fine of $200 would be imposed on anyone caught feeding “pest birds” and a specific group of “wild animals.” The list of “pest birds” includes pigeons, doves, seagulls, crows “and the like that if gathering in numbers, become a nuisance and may cause damage to properties.” As for “wild animals,” the definition includes but is not limited to skunks, raccoons, foxes, bear, groundhogs, deer and feral cats. Birders can relax, however, since the law would not apply to birds and wild animals feedingonberries, fruitsandseedsnaturally growing in trees or in soil. Nor would it affect the use of bird feeders that are built to feed small birds such as cardinals, finches, jaws, martins, sparrows and the like.

Grant Crack Route des Arts

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This is the last weekend of the 12 th annual Route des Arts studio tour in Argenteuil. Visit Artists’ studios are open to the public until 6 p.m. July 31. Fiddlers, Auction TheMacdonell-WilliamsonHouse, 25 des Outaouais Rd., Chute-à-Blondeau, Saturday August 6, at 2 p.m. hosts the VankleekHill “OldTimeFiddlers”while openinga silent auction. Sunday,August 7, from noon to 5 p.m., there will be an open house. Call 450-451-5666, or 866- 269-2962 or visit 2011 Gathering of Audet(te) – Lapointe families The 9 th Edition of the Gathering of the Audet(te) –Lapointe familieswill beheld in Gatineau September 24. For information, visit

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