GWO BTT v6.0

GWO Basic Technical Training V6.0


The training provider must ensure that sufficient time is allowed for participants with prior experience to share their experiences related to the modules of the basic technical training standard in a way that is constructive for the entire class. Durations stated in the table below are meant as an orientation for anyone delivering the training. Small variations are acceptable as far as they do not compromise the achievement of the objectives for all participants. If the following modules are delivered as part of a complete training, the common elements of introduction and evaluation may be combined, reducing the total contact time. How this may be achieved is suggested in the timetables for each module


Duration (*Effective time) As stand-alone training

Duration (*Effective time) As part of combined training


13.67 hours 9.92 hours 8.92 hours

13.67 hours 9.50 hours 8.50 hours 31.67 hours

Electrical Hydraulic


Table 5-41 - Duration of GWO BTT Modules


Duration (*Effective time) As stand-alone training

Duration (*Effective time) As part of combined training

Mechanical Installation

13.67 hours 17.67 hours

13.67 hours 17.25 hours 30.92 hours


Table 5-42 - Duration of GWO Mechanical and Installation Modules

Maximum duration per day

Contact time

8 hours

Total training day

10 hours

Table 5-43 - Maximum durations for training days

Note: Contact time includes delivery of course lesson content, practical exercises, and activities directly related to these .

The total training day includes contact time, meals and breaks and travel between training sites (where applicable).

Within the module timetables, the approximate duration of each of the lesson is given. The training provider may choose to deliver elements of the training according to other timetables, as long as the total duration is not reduced, and practical elements are not reduced in length. Theoretical elements may be delivered during the practical exercises when feasible. The practical skills shall be trained and demonstrated, and all elements of the module shall be covered by demonstration where possible. If the Mechanical, Electrical and Hydraulic modules are delivered as a combined training, the total contact time is estimated as at least 4 days of training (at least 31 hours 40 minutes of effective training time).

Global Wind Organisation

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