GWO BTT v6.0

GWO Basic Technical Training V6.0


6 General Resources Required to Deliver BTT Modules

The training provider shall ensure that staff, facilities and equipment are in place to support the training of participants.

6.1 Instructor/Participant Ratio

The ratio shown for the theory session indicates the maximum number of participants attending the modules.

Other ratios indicate the maximum number of participants to be supervised by an instructor during each activity.



Instructor – Participant Ratio



All BTT Modules



Table 6-1 - GWO BST Instructor to participant ratios

6.2 Practical Training Facilities

A practical workshop is required that has enough space to accommodate 8 participants, with a respective work area each of approximately 3 square metres.

6.3 Equipment

The equipment required for the delivery of the BTT modules is shown in Annex 1.

6.4 Handouts

Handouts must be given to the participants containing, as a minimum:

Electrical symbols mentioned in the BTT Standard

Hydraulic symbols mentioned in the BTT Standard

Formulas used (Pascal’s Law, Ohm’s Law, Torque…)

These handouts could be used as reference for the participants during the entire course and also during the test at the end.

Global Wind Organisation

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