GWO Basic Technical Training V6.0
3 Change Log – Version 6
Amendment date
April 2021
Approved by & date
Description of changes
Taxonomy alignment throughout - To be aligned with the reviewed GWO Taxonomy, all learning objectives have been updated with action verbs that reflect the new taxonomic levels (basic, intermediate and advanced level). - Additionally, learning activities have been added to the standard to match the updated learning objectives e.g. learning activities that focus on participant engagement have been added for all intermediate level learning objectives to reflect the reviewed GWO Taxonomy.
Updates to equipment lists for mechanical and electrical modules
- Overall, the changes are two additions to the mechanical equipment list (hydraulic tools for torque and tension with electrical pumps and an impact gun) and specifications of the quantity of key equipment currently listed in the two modules´ equipment lists. Changes to section “Understanding GWO learning objectives” - The section Understanding GWO learning objectives has been updated to reflect the reviewed GWO Taxonomy Delegates to participants - The Delegates have been changed to The Participants , as participant is the proper designation for a person participating in an activity. Human factors - Added as an introductory element in all the modules in the standard to initiate the participants’ focus on how human performance and taking responsibility influences a safe work environment, and to prepare for the continued focus on human factors during practical training and exercises. Name and activity change for the Evaluation lesson to Training review - The naming of the Evaluation lesson has been changed to Training review to align with the other GWO standards and to facilitate a focus on the participants’ reflections on the learning outcomes and the instructor’s feedback. Activity change for the introduction lesson - To align with the other GWO standards, the activities in the introduction lesson has been changed to enable the participants in engaging in the training safely and motivated while recognizing what is expected of them during the training Name and activity change for the Evaluation lesson to Training review - The naming of the Evaluation lesson has been changed to Training review to align with the other GWO standards and to facilitate a focus on the participants’ reflections on the learning outcomes and the instructor’s feedback.
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