
So Much More to Explore!

The middle school years are some of the most exciting (and challenging!) in your child’s educa- tion, a time when your student is thrilled by new apects of the world and just able to grasp at complex concepts. Enjoy these precious years with your child and remember that HSC’s teachers and staff are here to help! We offer a full range of courses to support you as you determine what subjects your students need most ; from theology, history, and literature to math, science, and critical thinking, we have a course that will meet your child’s needs and make him or her excited for another day of homes- chooling! If you need ideas, or are overwhelmed by the number of courses available, we recommend that you check out our suggested Scope & Sequence documents on our website: https://ho- meschoolconnections.com/resources/scope-sequence. There are separate tracks available for students starting in sixth, seventh, or eigth grade. You can also follow the fillable PDF guide to design your own, child-specific curriculum.

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https://homeschoolconnec- tions.com/podcast/

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1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com


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