
Middle School Beginning Apologetics

Teacher: Gary Michuta Semester: Fall Day and Time (EST): Mondays, 11:30 AM Dates: Sept. 9 to Dec 9. (No class Oct. 21 and Nov. 25) Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 7th - 8th

Description: This course will provide the first steps into the field of apologetics. Students will learn how to spot faulty arguments, how to find important passages in the Bible, and the basic steps on how to defend the Faith. Course Materials: Provided FREE by the instructor. An optional reading list will be provided for students (and parents!) who want to learn more. Students need to make sure they have a working micro- phone.

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/1134231866

The Mass Explained

Teacher: Gary Michuta Semester: Spring Day and Time (EST): Mondays, 11:30 AM Dates: Jan 9 - April 24 (No class Feb. 20 & April 17) Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 7th - 8th

Description: The Q&A format of our textbook makes it easy for students to digest the lessons. Together, we will learn everything we need to know about Catholic worship. This course is a compre- hensive overview of nearly everything concerning the Holy Mass, its components, what it is, and how it is celebrated. We will find the answers to questions such as: What is the Real Presence? Why does the priest mix water with wine? What are the Jewish roots? Why does the priest wear vestments? What are rubrics? And more. Course Materials: The required textbook for the course is Under- standing the Mass: 100 Questions 100 Answers by Mike Aquilina (St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2011), ISBN-10: 0867169494

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/744492118

1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com


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