
Art & Music


Teacher: Paul Hyatt Semester: Spring Day and Time (EST): Fridays, 1:00 PM Dates: January 10 to April 4, 2025. (No class Mar. 7) Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 9th - 12th

Description: In this course, your child will learn the basics of being a hand tool woodworker. The instructor will teach everything from shop safety to the final project, which is making your own work- bench. Much of the course will be pre-recorded so students can work at their own pace and take the craft as far as they like. By the end of this course, students will have discovered that they are capa- ble of making anything they like out of wood. Course Materials: Textbook – NOT REQUIRED, but highly recom- mended – Working Wood 1 & 2: The Artisan Course by Paul Sellers (ISBN-13: 978-0956967305). Other Materials – Everything in this course can be built with very few hand tools.

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/2129687096

Sacred Music

Teacher: Carol Reynolds Semester: Fall Day and Time (EST): Mondays, 1:00 PM Dates: Sept. 23 to Dec. 16, 2024. (No class Dec. 9) Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 9th - 12th

Description: Sign up today and embark on a melodic journey through centuries of sacred music with Professor Carol of the Smith- sonian Institute as your guide. Together, we will dive into the roots of Gregorian chant, the majesty of Roman Empire melodies, and the spiritual resonance of monasticism. Join us and unlock the harmoni- ous tapestry of early sacred music, enriching your understanding of musical history and faith. Course Materials: Each student will need to purchase a semes- ter-long subscription to the course materials (instead of a textbook) from https://www.professorcarol.com/early-sacred-music/.

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/446205419

1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com


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