
Since October of 2008, Homeschool Connections has been providing families across the world with expert online instruction, supporting you in the challenges and joys of homeschooling, to help to make your homeschool strong. Get a world-class Catholic Education— without the expense!

We’ve been there. We know it can be tough. And we know that faith, family values, and teaching and learning excellence are important. Because we know—we truly care, and we support you.

In the spirit of the New Evangelization and in light of Pope St. John Paul II’s teaching on the domestic Church, together, we walk hand in hand with you with the resources you need, to help your student become strong in mind, heart, and soul.

We Offer a Variety of Supports!

Did you know HSC offers a Parent and Student Orientation for our live courses?

• A Parent Community for meaningful connection to other parents just like you • A Weekly Podcast where experts and parents share tips and helps to make your homeschooling easier • Resources such as transcripts, scopes and se- quences, planners, and more • A Blog with how-to articles, reading lists, and more • Free Webinars with almost 100 recordings with teaching ideas and support • Access to a Consultant who can come alongside and help with curriculum choices and learning differences, or an Accountability Mentor who can assist you and your student with organization, accountability and more

Sign up on August 22nd or 24th @ 7pm ET!

https://homeschoolconnections.com/re sources/parent-and-student-orientation

Catalog Key Terms

Registration link and QR code: Clicking on this link or scanning the QR code will take you to Caravel, where you can view registration details and purchase registration for your student(s). Note that in multi-part courses, the link will take you to Part One only; you will then need to navi- gate through Caravel’s Catalog page to find Part Two to register for the full school year. Semester: This section gives information on whether a course is offered in the fall or spring se- mesters. It is important to note, however, that some courses offered in both semesters are sequential (Part 1, Part 2). These sequential courses are labelled as “Both”, as students are expected to sign up for the full year. In other cases, courses may be offered as repeat classes (Part 1, Part 1). Please read the descriptions carefully before registering your student.

1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com


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