
Beginning Conversational Spanish Teacher: Nanci Lopez Semester: Both Day and Time (EST): Mon 2:30 / Tues 11:30 / Thur 2:30 Dates: See registration page for segment dates Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 7th - 12th Learn More & Register here!

Description: In this course, students will be taught basic vocabulary with an emphasis on simple verb conjugation and pronunciation. This class will lay the necessary groundwork that acts as the build- ing blocks of learning a new language. By the end of this course, students will be able to form basic sentences, conjugate verbs in fu- ture and present tenses, and have the tools to conduct themselves through basic conversations. Course Materials: All course materials are provided FREE by the instructor. A Spanish/English dictionary is recommended, as well as a notebook or binder for the class.

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/1166935175

Intermediate Conversational Spanish

Teacher: Nanci Lopez Semester: Both

Day and Time (EST): Mon 11:30 AM or Tues 2:30 PM Dates: See registration page for segment dates Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 8th - 12th

Description: In this course, students will be taught a basic vocab- ulary with an emphasis on simple verb conjugation and pronunci- ation. Students will sharpen their speaking and listening skills and further develop their reading and writing skills. By the end of this course, students will be able to form basic sentences, conjugate verbs in future, past, and present tenses, and have the tools to navi- gate basic conversations. Course Materials: All course materials are provided FREE by the instructor. A Spanish/English dictionary is recommended, as well as a notebook or binder.

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/2022411637


1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com

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