
Advanced Conversational Spanish Teacher: Nanci Lopez Semester: Both Day and Time (EST): Wednesdays, 10:00 AM Dates: 11 Sep - 11 Dec; 8 Jan - 9 April Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 9th - 12th

Description: Join this high school Advanced Conversational Span- ish course, learning the Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and pronun- ciation that allows you to speak the language. For college-bound students or those who want a fluid ability to speak Spanish to others at home and abroad. Course Materials: All course materials are provided FREE by the instructor. A Spanish/English dictionary is recommended, as well as a notebook or binder.

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/1426706972

Coversational Spanish 4

Teacher: Nanci Lopez Semester: Both

Day and Time (EST): Thursdays, 10:00 AM Dates: 12 Sep - 12 Dec; 9 Jan - 10 April Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 9th - 12th

Description: In this course, students will review previously learned grammar and vocabulary and deepen and polish their conver- sational skills through group discussion of articles in class. In the process, they will increase their vocabulary, learn new grammatical concepts, and develop an understanding of the culture. Course Materials: All course materials are provided FREE by the instructor. A Spanish/English dictionary is highly recommended, as well as a notebook or binder and folder.

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/798431011

1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com


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