
Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare

Teacher: Joseph Pearce Semester: Spring

Day and Time (EST): Wednesdays, 1:00 PM Dates: Feb 26 to April 9. (No class Mar. 5) Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 9th - 12th

Description: This course is an in-depth study of one of Shake- speare’s greatest tragedies, focusing on its timeless moral dimen- sion and, therefore, its perennial relevance. Students will dive into the profound world of William Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra guided by Catholic author and college professor Joseph Pearce. Professor Pearce will bring his unique perspective, blending literary analysis with our Catholic worldview, to unravel the intricate tapes- try of love, power, and honor depicted in the play. Course Materials: William Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra (Simon and Schuster: Folger Shakespeare Library Edition) ISBN: 978- 0743482851

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/34055824

Book to Film - Fantasy & Science Fiction

Teacher: Sharon Hamric-Weis Semester: Both

Day and Time (EST): Fridays, 1:00 PM Dates: 6 Sep - 6 Dec; 10 Jan - 11 April Class Duration: 55 min Recommended Grade Range: 11th - 12th

Description: Give your student an enjoyable way to engage in up- per-level literary analysis and to advance critical thinking and writ- ing skills through written and cinematic work critique. Using movies and published works, students will study structure, character devel- opment, scene, setting, plot, and theme with the purpose of prepar- ing for the study of literature at the college level. Course Materials: Students will access available movies and books on their own or through the resources provided. Because some of the classic works are secular, parents may wish to pre-screen the cinematic version and fast-forward through any potentially sensitive material.

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/cata- log/1933452837

1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com


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