
Check out our grade school program, which includes Unit Study options as well as standalone classes to help you teach your young student Art, Languages, Literature, Theology, and Creative Writing. Get fun, affordable unit study learning for your 3rd-6th grader

Our Unit Study Program Offers:

• An engaging, weekly live class • Courses across many subject areas, including History, Science, Greek and Latin roots, Literature, • Art, Saint Studies, Poetry, and more • A four-year History sequence spanning Ancient, Medieval, Modern, and U.S. History • Grading help, with regular assignments and detailed instructor feedback • Easy access to learning

Yes, you can be involved in your child’s learning with hands-on activities, read-alouds, and memorable projects while also benefiting from a professional instructor’s assistance!

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https://homeschoolconnec- tions.com/grade-school/

https://homeschoolconnec- tions.com/resources/open- house/

https://caravel.homeschoolcon- nections.com

1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com


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