

AWA 9-Series: Essential and Simpli- fied Writing (9-1; 9-2; 9-3; 9-4) Teacher: Varies Semester: Both Day and Time (EST): See Caravel for segment dates and times Class Duration: 50 min Recommended Grade Range: 9th

Description: The 9-Series courses are essential to all upcoming courses — with rare tips to write faster, solidify upper-level punctu- ation and grammar, and get new ways to think about writing that makes writing easier. Be sure to take these prerequisite courses, be- cause what’s taught here is different — not like any other program. Students learn special terms, tips, and ways to think about writing that are used throughout the entire Foundations program (9-12th grades).

Learn More & Register here!

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/catalog/ live?tableSearch=9-

Course Materials: Check the registration page for the materials list for each course.

AWA 10-Series: Vocabulary and Writ- ing (10-2; 10-2) Teacher: Varies Semester: Both Day and Time (EST): See Caravel for segment dates and times Class Duration: 50 min Recommended Grade Range: 10th Learn More & Register here!

Description: In writing, it’s essential to think clearly — so the first semester teaches higher-level learning techniques, memory tech- niques (memorizing and being able to use the 750 words), and critical thinking techniques, too. Throughout the whole year, your student practices writing in short bursts, using critical thinking and reasoning to craft powerful paragraphs and short-writing forms that increase your student’s overall writing skills.

Course Materials: Check the registration page for the materials list for each course.

https://caravel.homeschool- connections.com/catalog/ live?tableSearch=10-

1-888-372-4757 homeschoolconnections@gmail.com


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