Career Crossroads E-Book

n  Stay positive. Dwelling on any unpleasant circumstances associated with a career transition, as opposed to the opportunity it can present, may prevent you from successfully moving forward. If you find yourself feeling pessimistic, think positive thoughts, such as: “Starting over isn’t easy, but I have a lot going for me!” “I can do this!” “Sometimes, positive things come from difficult situations!” n  Develop a support system. Talk to a trusted friend or family member about what you are feeling. He or she does not have to offer solutions, they just need to be a good listener. The simple act of sharing what you are going through can often make you feel better.

n  Take care of yourself. This may be a difficult time, so it is important to take care of yourself. Maintain good nutrition, exercise, and find time to reflect and refocus. n  Keep an open mind. A career transition rarely follows a plan. Try to keep an open mind about where the journey can take you. Doing so can help to expand your possibilities by opening doors to unanticipated opportunities. n  Find the silver lining. Whatever your reason for seeking a new job, approach the process as a unique opportunity to explore new interests and experiences. While it may be difficult at first, this approach can help you to move from feeling as though you have lost something to looking forward to what comes next.

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