Varsity Brands 2024 White Paper Study

Parents of higher-spirited students also report that their child earns higher grades (91% A’s and B’s) than those of lower-spirited children (70%). Additionally, 60% of parents of high- spirited students expect for their child to receive a graduate or bachelor’s degree.

School Event Enjoyment and School Satisfaction High-spirited students exhibit a heightened inclination towards enjoying school events, with nearly twice as many reporting satisfaction compared to their low-spirited peers (78% vs. 54% low), alongside a decreased feeling to contemplate attending another school (65% vs. 49% low). This sentiment is echoed by parents of high-spirited students, who affirm that their children are nearly twice as likely to enjoy school events (76% vs. 42% low) and express less desire to switch schools (74% vs. 61% low).

These findings underscore the positive impact of being a high-spirited student and highlight how this enhances their overall educational experience.

Increased satisfaction in school events 78% high-spirited students, vs. 54% low

Decreased desire to attend another school 65% high-spirited students, vs. 49% low

Parent Engagement Parents of higher-spirited children demonstrate more engagement in their child’s education regarding helping with/checking homework (69% high vs. 56% low), participating in the (parent/teacher association (PTA) or other parent organization (30% high vs. 12% low), and chaperoning events / field trips (34% high vs. 9% low).


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