Are You Suffering From Shoulder Pain? (Continued)
Before we do anything for your shoulder pain, we need to find out what is going on with your shoulder.
So here’s what you need to do: 1. With your painful arm, reach up behind your back between your shoulder blades as far as you can. Note any pain, ache, stiffness, or tightness. 2. Now do the same with your non-painful arm. If there is a difference side-to-side…you may be showing early warning signs of “Shoulder Impingement”.
That’s the single best at-home test I can give you to check for warning signs that you may be having a problem with your Rotator Cuff.
If you are looking for answers and want to get back to normal again, feel free to send me an email at In the subject line be sure to write “Shoulder Pain Help” and tell me what is going on and what activities are causing you pain. You can also give me a call at 425-820-2110.
Shoulder Impingement Test
If you think you’re suffering from shoulder impingement or a shoulder injury, call 425.820.2110 or visit to schedule your appointment today!
Hope this helps,
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