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Caring and sharing for Thanksgiving weekend
GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
Friday morning at the Enrico’s Catering kitchen in L’Orignal, a wonderful smell filled the air. An aroma filled with caring and sharing as staff andmanagement from the Deloitte office in Hawkesbury gave up their “Casual Friday” to roll up their sleeves and get busy cooking to help make the Thanksgiving weekend a little bit special for clients of the L’Orignal Food Bank. Deloitte and its nation-wide offices host an annual Impact Day program for staff to take part in community service projects. This year the L’Orignal Food Bank is one of the beneficiaries of the program, which is wonderful news for the non-profit agency’s clients. “It’s a big, big benefit,” said Jacques
Sandra Dallaire places cabbage rolls into a sauce-filled crockpot for cooking while Darquise Rouire brings over another tray for unloading. The two and other staff members from the Deloitte Touche office in Hawkesbury spent their Thanksgiving Friday in the kitchen preparing special home-cooked meals for the L’Orignal Food Bank’s clients to enjoy. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
Lacelle, food bank president, just before heading in to report for his kitchen duty. “Our clients at the food bank are going to have some really good home-cookedmeals.” “The people just totally enjoy it,” said Barbara Starnino, a food bank director and also co-proprietor of Enrico’s Catering. “It’s homemade, and it gives it (Thanksgiving) a special touch.” Deloitte covers the expenses for the food used to prepare all the ready-to-cook-and- serve meals and the company’s staff does all the prep and kitchen work. By the end of Friday, more than 300 meals, ranging frompork loin-and-linguini alfredo to stuffed cabbage rolls, were ready and packed for delivery to the food bank and its clients.
Gary Hoffman est l’un des partenaires du bureau de Deloitte Touche à Hawkesbury, mais le vendredi précédent le week-end de l’Action de grâces, il devient « l’homme pizza ». Accompagné du personnel du bureau, il a passé toute la journée à préparer plus de 300 variétés de plats faitsmaison, pour la banque alimentaire de l’Orignal qui pourra ensuite les offrir à ses clients. Cela fait partie du projet annuel de la journée de soutien communautaire que la société fournit à travers l’ensemble de ses bureaux depuis plus de deux décennies.
Sandra Dallaire has a tray full of homemade stuffed cabbage rolls ready to go into one of two massive crockpots filled with sauce at the Enrico’s Catering kitchen in L’Orignal. —photo Gregg Chamberlain
Le temps est venu de faire vos provisions DE POMMES DE TERRE POUR L’HIVER. QUALITÉ & BON PRIX! Nos pommes de terre ne sont pas modifiées génétiquement.
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