
Bright future for Pendleton solar farm project "$56"- * 54  r  /&84


Another solar farm project will be a defi- nite part of the rural landscape in Alfred- Plantagenet Township. EDF EN Canada has its energy sales contract with Ontario Hydro and is now getting feedback from area residents to help fine-tune the site location design for the project. “We’re excited to realize the project in Alfred-Plantagenet Township,” said Kevin Campbell, senior developer for the project, “and realize the benefits to the community.” The Pendleton Solar Energy Centre is a 12-megawatt solar farm project, planned for a site on County Road 19 near Pendleton village in Alfred-Plantagenet Township. The site is close to the transmission line for the provincial power grid and the project includes a main site for the solar array and a secondary connection site 20metres away for the link to the provincial grid. The 140-acre site for the project is on Lot 20, Concession 8, and part of the company’s plans for site development this year includes planting more than 1000 sapling trees to create a future viewscape buffer between the solar farm site and adjacent properties and the roadway. Campbell noted during the Oct. 4 public open house in Curran that the viewscape buffer addition to the original project site plan is a result of public feedback during last year’s open house session. Several residents attending that open house expressed concern about the visual impact of having a solar farm set up within their area. The tree saplings planted this year will grow tall enough within the next two years to hide the completed solar array and support building from the view of neighbours and passersby. EDF EN Canada consulted with the South Nation Conservation Authority (SNC) on the types of trees best suited for the viewscape barrier and will plant conifers like spruce for the most part with a few de- ciduous trees like maple and honey locust. The company launched the Pendleton

Un autre projet de ferme de panneaux solaires dans la municipalité d’Alfred-Plantagenet est en voie de se concrétiser. EDF EN Canada a tenu, le 4 octobre dernier, une autre séance d’information publique au sujet de ce projet, situé à Pendleton, afin d’obtenir les commentaires des résidents ainsi que leur rétroaction.

Correction The article titled Firefighters invite everyone for a visit , published in the October 5 issue of the Tribune-Express contained an error.The second open house session at the Hawkesbury Fire Station during Fire Prevention Week, which is Oct. 9 to 15, is on Oct. 15, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. It is not on Oct. 18 as printed in the article. The Tribune-Express regrets the error. – Gregg Chamberlain The Pendleton project is among the small- andmid-size alternative energy projects for the company. Altogether EDF EN Canada solar farm project last year in response to the provincial government announcing a new round of applications for independent energy supply licences under the Renewable Energy Approval Process (REAP). Earlier this year EDF EN Canada, and its investment partner, the Pikwàkanagàn First Nation, received approval for its application, which launched the current phase in its four-year project timeline. The Curran open house is part of a sec- ond round for the company of both public consultation and separate archaeological, hydrogeological, and cultural impact studies to fine-tune its site location set-up. “The main reason we’re here today is to share our preliminary information,” Camp- bell said, adding that a follow-up open house is planned for either February or March next year when the draft reports for all the studies are complete. EDF EN Canada’s plan is to have con- struction start in Spring 2018 and completed by the end of that year. Estimated investment value of the project is between $20 million to $30 million.

has invested more than $3 billion on wind and solar farm developments across the country. “Solar-generated electricity is becoming more andmore competitive with traditional sources of energy,” states the company’s information brochure. The Pendleton project, once it goes on-

line, will feed electricity into the provincial grid for a 20-year period before the company decommissions the site. During that period Alfred-Plantagenet Township will receive about $880,000 in both annual property taxes fromEDF ENCanada and Community Benefit Agreement funding.

Housing subsidy increase approved


next year at the start of July and continue at that rate until 2019. Local operators of subsidized housing have lobbied the counties for an increase, saying that without a boost to the subsidy, the rising operating costs for hydro and other maintenance necessities could force them

Local operators of subsidized housing in the Prescott-Russell region will get a bit of extra financial compensation for their services. The United Counties of Prescott- Russell council

to reconsider whether or not they can continue to provide a proper home situation for their clients. The UCPR resolution also sets a new limit of 460 for the number of residents in subsidized housing for whom the new per diem rates will apply. The new subsidy eligibility cap is meant to allow the counties to manage its own budget situation while it continues to wait for word fromQueens Park

Les Comtés unis de Prescott- Russell ont donné leur aval à une proposition d’augmenter la subvention quotidienne qu’ils octroient aux exploitants de résidences de Prescott- Russell pour chaque personne demeurant dans une unité de logement subventionné. La subvention quotidienne de 51 $ augmentera à 53 $ dès le mois de septembre et à 54 $ à compter du mois de juillet 2017.

(UCPR) approved a resolution during its Sept. 28 session for increases both this year and next year in the per diem subsidy that domiciliary hostel operators receive from the counties for each person living in a designated subsidized housing unit. The actual per

Décès de Gérard E. Joly L’ancien sous-préfet de Hawkesbury, Gérard E. (Peasel) Joly, de Hawkesbury, est décédé le dimanche 2 octobre 2016 à l’âge de 85 ans. M. Joly a été sous-préfet à la Ville de Hawkesbury de 1968 à 1973 . – Stéphane Fortier

diem subsidy of $51 per resident will increase to $53 retroactive to the start of September this year. The per diem will increase to $54

about any possible increase in provincial social housing support funds for local governments.

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