
about USCMA and securing congressional passage of the agreement. As one of the members of this coalition, WG works with other business partners to lay out a plan, share feedback from congressional meetings and discuss tactics on how to get USMCA across the finish line. Dennis and Jonathan meet with members of Congress and the AWC steering committee to review, edit and strengthen the House ag labor bill. The Afternoon Dennis works with Hank Giclas and Dennis Donohue, director of WG’s Center for Innovation & Technology, to set up meetings with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on mechanization and automation. WG is gaining steam on its efforts to accelerate the pace of automation in agriculture. The team continues to collaborate with USDA on potential programs and initiatives to advance specialty crop mechanization. Dennis participates in a classified briefing for ATAC to receive an update on the U.S-Japan Trade Agreement. The Evening Dennis attends a fundraiser for Congressman Salud Carbajal, where he has the opportunity to speak with Rep. Carbajal about concerns of WG members farming in the Santa Barbara/Santa

briefing, focusing on the agriculture-specific items. WEDNESDAY The Morning Tracey heads to a meeting with the USMCA Coalition, a broader business coalition focused on educating representatives During a recent farm tour in Colorado, WG Federal Government Affairs Director Jonathan Sarager (right) learned about growing practices and needs of Colorado fruit and vegetable growers from Grant Mattive of Worley Family Farms.

Maria areas. THURSDAY

The Morning Jonathan attends an intimate breakfast fundraiser for

Congressman Dan Newhouse, where he speaks to Rep. Newhouse and his staff about the necessity of passing a House ag labor bill. Over the past months, Dennis and Jonathan have worked closely with the Newhouse office on immigration reform efforts. Tracey fields calls from WG members to assist in solving importing and exporting issues. Dennis strategizes with Dave Puglia and Cory Lunde, WG senior director, strategic initiatives & communications, on a media campaign to secure passage of a House ag labor bill and lay the groundwork for the bill to be passed through the U.S. Senate. The team brainstorms an integrated media campaign that will target California, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico. The Afternoon Tracey attends the meetings with members of Congress to discuss USMCA. Dennis and Jonathan meet with the AWC to strategize on how to finalize the immigration reform bill language and move into next steps for official Congressional consideration.

30   Western Grower & Shipper | www.wga.com   NOVEMBER | DECEMBER 2019

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